ARMATURE Starter #13 | 85 |
BENDIX Lever, Starter #17 | 85 |
Starter Drive #25 | 86 |
BOLTS Starter | 85,86,183 |
Starter To Bellhousing | 86 |
Starter, Thru #9 | 85 |
BRUSH Lead, Starter #4 | 85 |
Spring, Starter #2 | 85 |
Starter #5 | 85 |
Support Kits, Starter #8 | 85 |
Support, Starter #1, #3 | 85 |
BUSHINGS Starter Drive #24 | 86 |
Starter End Cover | 86 |
VW Starter | 328 |
CAPS Starter End #31 | 86 |
CLIP Star, Heater Cable | 105 |
Starter Shaft #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
COLLARS Starter Washer #20 | 85 |
COMMUTATOR End, Starter #31 | 86 |
CONTACT Starter Brush #5 | 85 |
Starter Solenoid | 85 |
COVER Starter End #31 | 86 |
DRIVE Housing, Starter #23 | 86 |
Starter #25 | 86 |
Starter Lever #17 | 85 |
END Housing, Starter #23 | 86 |
ENGINE Solenoid, Starter #14 | 85 |
Starter Drive #25 | 86 |
Starter Parts | 85,86 |
Starter, Rebuilt | 86 |
FABRIC Washer, Starter #12 | 85 |
FIELD Coil, Insulators Starter #29 | 86 |
Coil, Starter #11 | 85 |
GASKET Starter Solenoid #15 | 85 |
GEARS Starter Drive #25 | 86 |
GROMMET Starter Body #10 | 85 |
HEAVY DUTY Starter | 86 |
HOUSING Starter Drive #23 | 86 |
IGNITION Solenoid, Starter #14 | 85 |
INSULATED Brush Support, Starter #1, #3 | 85 |
INSULATOR Field Coil, Starter #29 | 86 |
KIT Brush Support, Starter #8 | 85 |
Starter Rebuild | 85 |
LEAD Brush, Starter #4 | 85 |
LEVER Shaft, Starter #19 | 85 |
Starter Drive #17 | 85 |
MOTOR Starter | 86 |
NOSE Starter Housing #23 | 86 |
PIN Starter Brush #7 | 85 |
Lever #19 | 85 |
Plunger #18 | 85 |
PLUNGER Starter #16 | 85 |
REBUILD Kits, Starter | 85 |
Starter Kit | 85 |
REBUILT Starters | 86 |
RELAY Starter Kit | 86,98B |
RETAINERS Snap Ring – Starter #20 | 85 |
Starter Shaft #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
RING Snap, Starters #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
Starter Gear | |
Std | 111 |
PG | 134 |
SCREW Brush, Starter #6 | 85 |
Starter Brush #6 | 85 |
Starter Side #27 | 86 |
SHAFT Starter Lever #19 | 85 |
SHOES Screws, Starter #27 | 86 |
Starter Pole #28 | 86 |
SNAP RING Starter, #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
Washer, Starter #20 | 85 |
SOLENOID Starter #14 | 85 |
SPRING Starter Brush #2 | 85 |
Starter Drive #26 | 86 |
STAR | |
Clip, Heater Cable | 105 |
Wheel, Brake Adjust | 146 |
Armature #13 | 85 |
Bendix #25 | 86 |
Bolts, Thru #9 | 85 |
Bolts, To Bellhusg | 86 |
Brush | |
Lead #4 | 85 |
Screws #6 | 85 |
Spring #2 | 85 |
Support #1, #3 | 85 |
Support Kit #8 | 85 |
Brushes #5 | 85 |
Bushing #24 | 86 |
Bushing, End Cover #31 | 86 |
Clip, Shaft #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
Collar, Washer #20 | 85 |
Commutator End #31 | 86 |
Diagram – Exploded | 85 |
Drive #25 | 86 |
Housing #23 | 86 |
Lever #17 | 85 |
Spring #26 | 86 |
End Cover #31 | 86 |
Fabric Washer #12 | 85 |
Field Coil #11 | 85 |
Field Coil Insulator #29 | 86 |
Gasket, Solenoid #15 | 85 |
Grommet #10 | 85 |
Hardware | 183 |
Harness, Wiring | 97 |
Heavy Duty | 86 |
Housing Bushing #24 | 86 |
Housing, Nose #23 | 86 |
Insulator, Field Coils #29 | 86 |
Lead, Brush #4 | 85 |
Lever Shaft #19 | 85 |
Lever, Drive #17 | 85 |
Nose Cone #23 | 86 |
Parts – Starter | 85,86 |
Pin, Brush #7 | 85 |
Plunger #18 | 85 |
Plunger #16 | 85 |
Pole Shoes #28 | 86 |
Rebuild Kits | 85 |
Rebuilt Starters | 86 |
Relay Kit | 86,98B |
Retainer, Shaft #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
Retainer, Snap Ring #20 | 85 |
Ring Gear – Standard | 111 |
Powerglide #38 | 134 |
Screw, Brush #6 | 85 |
Screws, Sides #27 | 86 |
Screws, Solenoid #15 1/2 | 85 |
Shaft, Lever #19 | 85 |
Snap Ring #19 1/2, #21 | 85 |
Solenoid #14 | 85 |
Solenoid Gasket #15 | 85 |
Spring Drive #26 | 86 |
Spring, Brush #2 | 85 |
Support Kit, Brush #8 | 85 |
Thrust Washer #12 | 85 |
Torque Converter | 134 |
VW Adaptor | 326 |
Washer #20 | 85 |
Washer, Thrust #12 | 85 |
Wiring | 97 |
SUPPORT Brush Kit, Starter #8 | 85 |
Brush, Starter #1, #3 | 85 |
VW Rev VW Start | 328 |
Starter | 328 |
Starter Adapt | 328 |
WASHER Fabric, Starter #12 | 85 |
Starter Ring #20 | 85 |
Thrust, Starter #12 | 85 |
WIRING Starter | 97 |