BELLHOUSING SEALS – SIMPLE? COMPLEX? The "SIMPLE" seals are fine if you are very careful installing them.
According to Larry Claypool, the "COMPLEX" seal will retain the seal compression spring if it should come off. If the "SIMPLE" seal is not installed
carefully over the gear seal area, the spring could pop off and fall into the cam gears.
FULL FLANGE MAIN BEARINGS? We have always sold the full flange bearing main sets or told you if sets would be half flange. There is some
confusion due to a GM release during 1962 that indicated GM was switching to 1/2 flange main bearings. From our experience (and verified with
Larry Claypool) half flange bearings were probably only used during 1962 and possibly 1963. After 1963 all factory engines were back to full flange
bearings and GM replacement bearings were full flange. If your engine has half flange bearings you can replace with full flange as long as you check after
installation to see that you have a range of .002 - .006" of end play measured at the end of the crank (pushing it in and out). My "guess" is that GM
had some mismatched block halves and found they could use them by using half flange bearings. Once those were used up, the problem was gone and
they went back to using the full flange bearing (just a guess!). We've disassembled 100's of engines and found only a couple half flange bearings. Yet
some would have you believe ALL engines after 1962 had half flange bearings and full flange are to be AVOIDED! In 25 years we have only had a couple
customers request half flange bearings because that's what they had in their engines.
Do you continue to blow out MANIFOLD to HEAD TUBE GASKETS (packings)?
Mark recently noticed as he was prying off an old one (with a screwdriver) that the collar was bending upward.
We've checked used heads and noticed quite a few. You might want to check yours.
Sketch is a cross section view (exaggerated).
Page 120
RADIALS – There is a very prevalent myth that Radials are a NO-NO for Corvairs. Everyone that I have ever talked to has been extremely pleased with
Radial tires on all Corvairs.
Tires are much more confusing than during the 1960's! This list is our best attempt at explaining what tires you could put on your car and be most
like stock. To confuse things more, we are told that some tires are sized by a "European Metric" size and some by "American Metric" size but that
manufacturers are trying to switch to the "American Metric" so that is what we are giving. All of these suggestions SHOULD FIT your car and still have
clearance. Remember to allow at least 1 1/2"–2" clearance for tire deflection under hard cornering. Also remember that if you change the tire diameter
you will also vary the speedometer reading and can actually change the effective gear ratio of the car. Tire diameters vary between manufacturers. There
is a 2 page section in the Corsa Tech Guide on this subject! You will also have your choice of bias tires (like old stock ones), bias belted, and radials.
Most Like Stock
TIRE PRESSURE: We suggest the following cold
pressures. These may need to be higher with new
tires designed for higher running pressures.
Cars – Front 20-22 lbs.
Rear 28-32 lbs.
Vans – Front & Rear 28-32 lbs.
6.50 x 13 24.70" 4.20" 175 8 0-13 185 70-13 205 6 0 -13
7.00 x 13 25.70" 4.40" P185 80-13 205 70 -13 215 6 0 -13
7.00 x 14 P18 5 80-14 20 5 70 -14 225 60 -14
If you are VERY LUCKY, you can find a knowledgeable local tire dealer that cares about old cars who will help you sort through the tire maze. Even the
designation of say 185 does not relate to a constant tread width! YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!
1960-69 13" stock rims are 1 3/16" positive offset.
Convertible Side Pad Installation – with the top in the "up" position.
Side #1
1. This side goes towards the occupants head.
2. This side goes towards the outside roof rail.
3. This vinyl flap will be near the outside roof rail and up against the inside of the top.
4. This cloth fabric flap will be closer to the center of the car and up against the inside of the top and overlaps the vinyl flap as shown.
Convertible Rear Window Binding – The material comes longer than needed.
You have to cut it to length. It must start at one side where the chrome end can cover it. We suggest you start at one end and tack it across
the rear window (covering the seam) and only cut the other end when you are exactly sure where to cut it.
1. Tacks or staples go at #1. The small bead should be on the side towards the rear of the car.
2. Once installed, the large "bead" is folded over so that it meets the small bead.
TOP BOOT comes unsnapped? There are several things to check for. All manual tops need the plastic hold downs. They hold the top
mechanism fully down and secure. The snaps slide. Be sure they line up with the snaps on the car. Check that your car has all the snaps to match those
on the top boot. The ones on the rear arm rest units are often missing! We have replacement snaps on page 294.
Vehicle ID #'ers –
1960-64 Cars – Located on drivers door pillar. The 1st number is the year.
1961-65 FC (Vans) – Located on drivers door pillar. The 1st number is the year.
VIN # 1965-69 Cars – Located on body rail by battery. The number before the W is the year!
NOTE: Do not assume your title or registration gives you the correct year Corvair! The year the car is bought is often filled in for the year of the car.
(Example: a 1959 Corvair!) DO NOT REMOVE THESE TAGS!