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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
Engine Compartment and
Trunk Light Kits
These light kits with mercury switches are very similar to the original Chevy accessory
kits but not necessarily exact for each application. Comes with instructions and all
needed parts for easy installation.
Engine Compartment
60-61 Cars and 61-62 Wagons C874L $73.00 1 lb. ea.
62-64 Cars C2839 $74.70 1 lb. ea.
65-69 Cars C4526 $69.65 1 lb. ea.
Trunk 60-64 All exc. FC C6525 $83.10 1 lb. ea.
65-69 C6525L $81.45 1 lb. ea.
'65-'69 Rubber Rear Suspension "Cone" Bumper
There has not been
enough demand to
reproduce this but a
customer told us about
this bumper which is
just slightly smaller and
fits. Sold each.
C716X $19.90 10 oz.
61-65 FC and Van
Now back in stock!
These are rebuilt relay arms ready
to install. C1615R $423.10 10 lbs.
Includes $210.00 Core
These are also included in some of the Multi-Kits on page MK-16.
Pickups, Panel Vans – Full set for both front doors.
C598X $126.00 2 lbs.
Greenbrier 6 Dr. & 8 Dr. – Full set for both front doors
& 4 roll down side windows. C599X $378.80 5 lbs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
We now have a premium option for the plug that connects to the headlight
bulbs. Similar to the regular C3685 but higher quality. Includes a few inches
of wire for splicing into the harness. Can be used for high beam or low beam.
Remove one wire for high beam bulbs. C3685P $7.95
We are having this superior cap made in black (usually only available in gray) so it looks stock. Why brass
contacts? Better conductivity and much longer life. Aluminum contacts tend to corrode from moisture and
arcing across the gap. If you've looked at used aluminum contact caps you have probably found blackish/gray
flaky deposits that can be scraped off; these deposits seem to build up quickly from use or sitting and do affect
performance. 60-61 Black Distributor Cap with Brass Contacts C988B $19.90 1 lb.
62-69 Black Distributor Cap with Brass Contacts C8237B $24.65 1 lb.
Improved FC Shifter Boot
The C10062 61-63 FC shifter boot has been
reworked and the new molds give a better
finish. Used on 61-63 FC’s with a manual
transmission to seal around the shifter lever
under the seat.
C10062 $73.65 1 lb. 8 oz.
62-64 Engine
Compartment Kit
Trunk Kit
Light Kit Clips
Trunk and engine compartment light kits come with these
clips but if you lose any or need some clips for original
accessory lights they are available separately.
Small rubber coated clips for single 18-gauge wires.
C3674 $3.50 ea. 1 oz.
Larger rubber coated clips designed to hold 3-4
18-gauge wires. C3684X $4.00 ea. 1 oz.
1960-64 Front Directional Lens Wicking Felt
All cars & FC came from the factory with this felt wick in the bottom of the lens – it keeps
water from splashing in while wicking moisture to the outside to evaporate. Sold set of 2.
Remove lens to install. C1444 $3.60 1 oz.
Wicking Felt for Late Models – Photo top of page 14
Old felt can lose its wicking ability. 6 pieces used. 2 pieces used for front directional housing.
4 pieces used for tail & backup housings. Sold set of 6 C4253A $6.55 2 oz.
1960-63 Throwout Bearing
New Clark repro – IN STOCK C1141B $66.10 1 lb.
1960-6? Coupe Roll Down 1/4 Window Foam
Some years used a foam cushion over the window crank behind the 1/4 panel
that is different from ones used on front door. C4236E $2.55 2 oz.
65-69 Rear Seat Heater Outlet Screws: These replacement
screws hold the grill on the heater outlet under the rear seat. Head is slightly
different than original but close. Set of 2. C2197X $3.30 2 oz.
We have just made the last run we ever expect to do on these parts:
Center 4 barrel manifold for 140’s – only tube set left: C2216T
▪ Weber Turbo Carb Adaptor Kit: C5124 (Main Catalog, page 52)
– Discontinued when gone
Several customers have reported not getting our order confirmation or
shipment notification emails and in many cases the problem was that
our emails had been flagged as spam or junk. Please check your spam or junk
email folders and mark our email address as “not spam”.
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** C3674 C3684X Engine Compartment and T runk Light Kits These light kits with mercur y switches are very similar to the original Chevy accessory kits but not necessarily exact for each application. Comes with instructions and all needed parts for easy in stallation. Engine Compartment 60-61 Cars and 61-62 W agons C874L $73.00 1 lb. ea. 62-64 Cars C2839 $74.70 1 lb . ea. 65-69 Cars C4526 $69.65 1 lb . ea. Trunk 60-64 All exc. FC C6525 $83.10 1 lb . ea. 65-69 C6525L $81.45 1 lb. ea. '65-'69 Rubber Rear Suspension "Cone" Bumper There has not been enough demand to reproduce this but a customer told us about this bumper which is just slightly smaller and fits. Sold each. C716X $19.90 10 oz. IN STOCK! 61 - 65 FC and Van Boomerangs Now back in stock! The se are re built relay ar ms ready to ins tall. C 1615 R $ 423 . 10 10 lbs . Includes $ 21 0. 00 Core VAN FUZZIE SETS These are also included in some of the Multi-Kits on page MK-16. Pickups, Panel Vans – Full set for both front doors. C598X $126.00 2 lbs. Greenbrier 6 Dr . & 8 Dr. – Full set for both front doors & 4 roll down side windows. C599X $378.80 5 lbs. THANKS TO YOUR ORDERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE REPROS KEEP COMING!! PREMIUM HEADLIGHT PLUG We no w have a premium option for the plug that connects to the headlight bulbs. Similar to the r egular C3685 but higher quality . Includes a fe w inches of wire for splicing into the harness. Can be used for high beam or low beam. Remove one wire for high beam bulbs. C3685P $ 7. 95 BLACK DISTRIBUTOR CAP with BRASS CONT ACTS We are having this superior cap made in black (usuall y only available in gra y) so it looks stock. Why bra ss contacts? Better conductivity and much longer life. Aluminum contacts tend to corrode from moisture and arcing across the gap . If you'v e looked at used aluminum contact cap s you ha ve probably found blackish/gra y flaky deposits that can be scraped off; these depo sits seem to build up quickly from use or sitting and do affect performance. 60-61 Black Distributor Cap with Bra ss Contacts C988B $19.90 1 lb. 62-69 Black Distributor Cap with Bras s Contacts C8237B $24.65 1 lb . Impr ov ed FC Shif ter Boot The C10062 61-63 FC shifter boot has been reworked and the new molds giv e a better finish. Used on 61-63 FC’ s with a manual transmis sion to seal around the shifter lever under the seat. C10062 $73.65 1 lb. 8 oz. 62-64 Engine Compartment Kit 65-69 Trunk Kit Lig h t Kit Cli ps T r unk and engine compartment light kits come with these clips but if y ou lose any or need some clip s for original accessory lights they are available separately . Small rubber coated clips for single 18-gaug e wires. C3674 $3.50 ea. 1 oz. Larger rubber coated clips desig ned to hold 3-4 18-gauge wires. C3684X $4.00 ea. 1 oz. 7 1960-64 Front Directional Lens Wicking Felt All cars & FC came from the factor y with this felt wick in the bottom of the lens – it keep s water from splashing in while wicking moisture to the outside to ev aporate. Sold set of 2. Remove len s to install. C1444 $3.60 1 oz. Wicking Felt for Late Models – Photo top of page 14 Old felt can lose its wicking ability . 6 pieces used. 2 pieces used for front dir ectional housing. 4 pieces used for tail & backup housings. Sold set of 6 C4253A $6.55 2 oz. 1960-63 Thr o wo ut Bearing New Clark repro – IN STOCK C1141B $66.10 1 lb. 1960-6? Coupe R oll Down 1/4 W indow F oam Some years used a foam cushion ov er the window crank behind the 1/4 panel that is different from ones used on fr ont door . C4236E $2 .55 2 oz. 65-69 Rear Seat Heater Outlet Scre ws: These replacement screws hold the grill on the heater outlet under the rear seat. Head is slightl y different than original but close. Set of 2. C2197X $3.30 2 oz. C1444 We have just ma de the last r un we ever ex pect t o do on thes e part s: ▪ Ce nter 4 bar rel manif old for 140’s – only tube s et lef t: C2 216T ▪ Web er Turbo Carb A daptor Ki t: C5124 (Main Cata log, page 52) – Discontinued when gone – L A S T RU N! EMAIL CONFIRMA TIONS: SP AM?? Several customers hav e reported not getting our order confirmation or shipment notification emails and in many ca ses the pr oblem wa s that our emails had been flagged a s spam or junk. Please check your spam or junk email folders and mark our email address as “not spam” .
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