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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
Head Stud Die: This gives you the best
chance of saving the exposed threads. This die is the same 9/16"
hex as the head nut. C6708X $4.95
1. Wire brush exposed threads
2. Spray exposed threads with penetrating oil
3. While still wet, try to start the hex die by
hand; do not cross thread
4. Use socket & run die right up to head nut; back off and run up again
5. Remove die and add some heat to nut if possible. An impact is often
best to remove the nuts. Check out photos. The die will clean right up to
the last thread before the nut.
We now have an exact reproduction for
the FC steering idler arm. Previous
replacements were not original looking
and needed spacers to fit correctly. These
NEW idler arms are made exactly like the
original except now there is a grease fitting
at both pivot points. Castle nut, cotter pin
and both grease fittings included.
Exact Repro Idler Arm: C1613 $85.00 Bolts for attaching to the body: C6856
Old $ Saver Replacement: C1614 $69.00
C1613 / C1614
“Tool” for 60-69 Car Accelerator Pedal
This small steel rectangle will come with our new
repro accelerator pedals (expected early Summer).
It can also be purchased for use with used
originals as shown in the shop manual. This piece
of metal keeps the top of the bracket from
collapsing as you tighten the accelerator pedal shaft nut. You may have to
grind one side slightly or spread the bracket apart if your bracket has been
over tightened. Expected Summer 2024. This will come with new
accelerators starting Summer 2024. C542X $2.15 1 oz.
63-64 Convertible Roof Rail Foam Seals
We believe these were added sometime during
1963 & continued through 1964. You may
want to check your car. Only took me 50 years
to notice these. They help to seal any air leaks
above the roof rail weatherstrip joining between
the middle and rear weatherstrips. Includes
instructions (NOTE: The metal tab is held by 1
small spot weld, do not pry on the tab). Now included in roof rail weatherstrip
sets. Needs a spot of weatherstrip glue. Set of 2. C2309 $4.05 2 oz.
C12661X C13038
Smaller Coated Clip
This clip is similar to the larger
C13038 clip. Can also be used
in place of clip C3038 (this one
is much larger than C3038).
C12661X $5.25 2 oz.
FC Gas Tanks NOW IN FACTORY ORIGINAL TERN STEEL (rust-proof plating)
All tanks & multi-kits will now be tern coated. See below for remaining painted tanks.
1961-65 FC tern tank – no shifter hole C11710N $279.95
1963-65 FC tern tank with shifter hole C11710H $282.95
Remaining 61-65 FC (no hole) painted steel gas tank: DWG C11710X $219.00
Fan Belts
We just received a shipment of new IMPROVED Clark Belts.
Keep ordering C5790 for the BEST fan belt Clarks offers.
We still have some of the old 5-cord belts in stock at
reduced price. Order CX9358 to get the old version Clarks
CX9358 1=$9.95 2+=$8.50
C5790 1=$16.95 2-8=$15.60 9+=$14.75
All 1960-64 cars have this
drain just above the cross
"dam" below the windshield
wipers/master cylinder. You
will see your old one or a
hole at the lowest area, just
to the right of center (left
as you look at it) remove old one, install new one & use
flat tool that covers it to softly drive it in flush.
C6708 $2.20 1 oz.
Our team of three technicians handle a large number of calls every day looking for advice on their
Corvairs. In 2025, one of our techs is retiring after 39 years with Clark's Corvair which will reduce our
ability to help people with their Corvairs. We will continue to support the products we carry but we will
be reducing the amount of other help we can offer. We are encouraging people to email their questions
instead of calling so the techs have some time to find the relevant information and respond. We
also strongly recommend that anyone working on a Corvair have a full set of manuals (Chassis Shop
Manual, Assembly Manual, Body Service Manual, etc.) that apply to their Corvair. We carry these books
and many other helpful books on pages 243A-250 in the Main Catalog. We also recommend joining
the Corvair community through CORSA and Corvair forums and social media pages.
REBUILT CARBS with New Repro
See page 2 – Save $15 off
our regular rebuilds!
Hartford/Springfield Area
Need an upholstery shop to install
your upholstery? Send us an email
and we’ll give you info on a place
that we’ve heard good reports about.
61-65 FC Window Bottom Sash Seal
This piece holds glass in the sash & helps deflect water. Used for front and
side door windows. Rampsides and panel vans use 2, 6-door vans use 4, and
8-door vans use 6. Old ones are usually brittle and broken. Very close repro,
not exact but work. C1718W $31.50 4+=$29.00
61-63 FC Lower Shifter Boot
This boot goes over the end of the shifter lever where it connects to the shifter tube
on 61-63 vans and trucks. Keeps grease in and dirt and water out. Part #18 in Main
Catalog, page 116. Some 63 FC's had the later style floor shifter which this does
NOT fit. C593B $35.00
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 16 Head Stud Die: This gives y ou the best chance of saving the expo sed threads. This die is the same 9/16" hex as the head nut. C6708X $4. 95 1. Wire brush exposed threads 2. Spra y exposed threads with penetrating oil 3. While still wet, tr y to start the hex die by hand; do not cross thread 4. Use socket & run die right up to head nut; back off and run up again 5. Remove die and add some heat to nut if po ssible. An impact is often best to remove the nuts. Check out photos. The die will clean right up to the last thread before the nut. REPRO FC IDLER ARM We now have an ex act repr oduct ion for the FC s teer ing idler arm. Pr evious replacement s were not original looking and need ed spacer s to fi t corr ectl y . The se NEW idl er arms ar e made exac tly like th e orig inal except n ow there i s a greas e fit ting at bot h pivot poin ts. Ca stle nut , cot ter pin and bot h greas e fit tings in cluded. Exact Repro Idler Arm: C1613 $85.00 Bolts for attaching to the body: C6856 Old $ Saver Replacement: C1614 $69.00 C1613 / C1614 “T ool” for 60- 69 Car Acceler ator Pedal This s mall steel r ect angle will c ome with o ur new repr o acceler ator pe dals (expec ted earl y Summer). It can al so be purch ased for u se with u sed orig inals as shown i n the shop manual. T his piec e of met al keeps t he top of the b racket f rom collap sing as you tig hten th e acceler ator pe dal shaf t nut. You may have to gri nd one side slig htly or sp read the br acket apar t if you r bracket h as been over tig htene d. Exp ected S ummer 2024. This will c ome with ne w accel erato rs st art ing Summer 2024. C542X $2. 15 1 oz. C542X C2309 63 -64 C onv ertible Ro of Rail Foam Seals We believe t hese wer e added som etime dur ing 1963 & cont inued thr ough 1964. You may want to c heck your car. Only t ook me 50 year s to not ice the se. They he lp to seal any air le aks above th e roof rai l weather str ip joining bet ween the midd le and rear wea thers trip s. Include s inst ruct ions (NOT E: The me tal tab i s held by 1 small spo t weld, do not pr y on the t ab) . Now includ ed in roof r ail weath erst rip set s. Need s a spot of wea thers trip g lue. Set of 2. C230 9 $4.05 2 oz. C12661 X C130 38 Smalle r Coated C lip This c lip is similar to t he larger C13038 clip. Can al so be used in place of c lip C3038 (t his one is much lar ger than C 3038). C12661 X $5.25 2 oz. C11710H F C Gas T anks – NOW IN FA CTORY ORIG INAL TE RN STEE L (rust-proof plating) All tanks & multi-kits will now be tern coated. See belo w for r emaining painted tanks. 1961-65 FC tern tank – no shifter hole C11710N $279.95 1963-65 FC tern tank with shifter hole C11710H $282.95 Remaining 61-65 FC (no hole) painted steel ga s tank: DW G C11710X $219.00 Fan Belts We just receiv ed a shipment of new IMPROVED Clark Belts. Keep ordering C5790 for the BEST fan belt Clarks offer s. We still ha ve some of the old 5-cord belts in stock at reduced price. Order CX9358 to get the old version Clarks belt. CX9358 1=$9.95 2+=$8.50 C5790 1=$16.95 2-8=$15.60 9+=$14.75 TRUNK DRAIN "PLUG" All 1960-64 cars have this drain just above the cros s "dam" below the windshield wipers/master cylinder. You will see your old one or a hole at the lowest area, just to the right of center (left as y ou look at it) r emov e old one, install new one & use flat tool that covers it to softly dri ve it in flush. C6708 $2.20 1 oz. C6708 Our team of three te chnicians handle a large number of calls e v ery day looking for advice on their Corvairs. In 2025, one of our techs is retiring after 39 y ears with Clark's Cor vair which will reduce our ability to help people with their Corvairs. We will continue to support the products we carry but we will be reducing the amount of other help we can offer. W e are encouraging people to email their questions instead of calling so the tech s have some time to find the relevant information and respond. We also strongly recommend that any one working on a Corvair have a full set of manuals (Cha ssis Shop Manual, Assembly Manual, Body Service Manual, etc.) that apply to their Corvair . W e carr y these books and many other helpful books on pag es 243A-250 in the Main Catalog. We also recommend joining the Corvair community through CORSA and Cor vair forum s and social media pages. b TECHNICAL QUESTIONS b b b b b b b b REBUIL T CARBS with New Repro Bases: See page 2 – Save $15 off our regular rebuilds! Hartford/Springfield Area Need an upholstery shop to install your upholstery? Send us an email and we’ll give you info on a place that we’ve heard good reports about. 61-65 FC Window Bottom Sash Seal This pi ece holds g lass in t he sash & help s defle ct wate r. Used for fr ont and side door w indows. Ramp sides and p anel vans use 2, 6 -door vans u se 4, and 8-d oor vans use 6. O ld ones are u sually bri ttl e and broken. Ver y clos e repro, not ex act but wor k. C17 18 W $31.50 4+=$29.00 61-63 FC Lower Shifter Boot This b oot goes ov er the end of t he shif ter lever w here it co nnect s to the shi fte r tube on 61-63 vans and t rucks . Keeps g rease in and d irt and wa ter out . Part #18 in Main Cat alog, page 116. Some 63 FC's ha d the later s tyle f loor shi fter w hich this do es NOT f it. C59 3B $35.00 C17 18 W C593B
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