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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
(Similar to previous Evolution) These multi-layer covers are made from non-woven polypropylene in various
layers to give water resistance, dust resistance, sun/UV resistance and strength. Use indoors or out.
3 Layer Covers: Moderate climate protection, thinner and lighter than the 5-layer. 3 year warranty.
Approximately 0.030" thick, very light gray/beige.
5 Layer Covers: All climate protection, excellent weather resistance while still removing moisture –
greater ding resistance – softest inner layer, approximately 0.045" thick. 4 year warranty. Very light gray.
2-Door 1960-69 Coupes & Conv't C7774-3 8 lbs. C7774-5 10 lbs.
4-Door 1960-67 (exc. Wagons) C7954-3 8 lbs. C7954-5 10 lbs.
61-62 Wagon C9930-3 10 lbs. C9930-5 12 lbs.
61-65 Corvair 95 & Greenbrier C9931-3 13 lbs. C9931-5 15 lbs.
61-64 Loadside/Rampside ("Fast back"
design so rain is more apt to run off)
C9988-3 12 lb s. C9988-5 14 lbs.
SAMPLES: 3-Layer C7775G-3 5-Layer C7775G-5
SOME of the shared features:
1) Reinforced non-scratch grommets
2) Overlapped double-stitched seams –
sewn in the USA
3) Lightweight, multi-layer fabric
4) Elastic sewn into front & rear hems
5) Use indoor or out
6) Protection against dings
7) Inner layer is very soft
Newly Improved Weatherstrips
Trunk: Midway through 2022, we started offering our softest, most accurate trunk weatherstrips ever. C805R $30.95
Doors – 60-64 Cars: For many years, these were undersized and not the correct shape. We have worked on this and now all our
60-64 CP, 4-door and CT weatherstrips are softer and full size. Old ones on your car will be compressed but compare to this new cross-
section. These improved weatherstrips are another Clark exclusive. Size may vary slightly.
3 Layer
5 Layer
Horn Contact for 67-69 Telescoping Wood Wheel
Horn button snaps onto this. C9777 $62.95 4 oz.
Brake Bleeding Hose
This clear hose is the right size for bleeding original GM and Clark repro brake
cylinders. You may need to heat end slightly to fit onto bleeder the first time.
Sold as 3 ft. piece. C4235A $4.15 10 oz.
Engine Latch Springs
These springs go on the engine lid latches to hold them closed. Exact repro. Original black oxide coating.
60-64 Car Engine Compartment Lid Latch (Exc. Wagon) C3048 $4.00 2 oz.
61-62 Wagon and 61-63 FC Engine Access Door Latch C3049 $3.95 1 oz.
Heater Motor Connecter
Connecter and boot to convert round plug on most
wiring harnesses to the flat spade terminal on most
heater blower motors. Cut off old connecter and
crimp on new one. Includes instructions.
C2276A $7.35
Last Chance!
Set of 4 Chrome Tubes for 140 4-Barrel Carb Set Up
Have a spare new set. C2216T $184.20
65-69 Moog Tie Rod Set
Inner & outer. Both sides. Sleeves, clamps, everything new (no bolts).
CX9240 $89.60
- - - - - - LAST CHANCE! - - - - - -
Aluminum Valve Covers
OTTO PARTS VALVE COVERS: The oil pans are gone. These have
been available for over 50 years but we do not plan to rerun
them. Order now as we have a few left in stock. Main Catalog,
pg. 30.
ECONO VALVE COVERS: The oil pans are gone, we still have a
few valve covers in the main catalog pg. 30. These will not be
re-run. We do have the Clark aluminum pans & valve covers
in the Main Catalog, pg. 29, or consider the HD steel repro oil
pan & valve covers on page 15.
New Camshaft for Fuel Injected Engines
We have been asked about a camshaft for engines being built for fuel injection and now we finally offer one. The normal cams will work fine with fuel
injection but there are a couple of changes that can be made to improve performance when using fuel injection. Similar specs to the popular 260 and
270 cams but tweaked for fuel injected engines. C8829 $362.25
60-64 Cars
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 13 CAR COVERS – NEW NON-WOVEN COVERS – 3 & 5 LA YER – ALL CUSTOM FIT (Similar to previous Evolution) These multi-layer co vers ar e made from non-wov en polypropylene in v arious lay ers to give water resistance, dust resistance, sun/UV resistance and strength. Use indoors or out. 3 Layer Covers: Moderate climate protection, thinner and lighter than the 5-la yer. 3 year warranty . Approximately 0.030" thick, very light gray/beig e. 5 Layer Covers: All climate protection, excellent w eather resistance while still removing moisture – greater ding resistance – softest inner lay er, approximately 0.045" thick. 4 year warranty . Very light gray . NON-WOVEN COVERS 3 LAY ERS 5 L AYE RS 2-Doo r 1960-6 9 Coupes & C onv't C7774-3 8 lbs. C7774- 5 10 lbs . 4- Door 196 0- 67 ( exc. Wa gons) C7954 -3 8 lb s. C7954 -5 10 lb s. 61- 62 Wagon C9930-3 10 l bs . C99 30-5 12 l bs. 61- 65 Cor vair 95 & Gre enbrier C9 931-3 13 l bs. C 9931- 5 15 lb s. 61-64 Loads ide/Rampside ( "Fast bac k" desig n so rain i s more apt t o run of f) C9988 -3 12 lb s. C998 8-5 14 lbs. SAMPLES: 3-Lay er C7775G -3 5-Lay er C7775G -5 SOME of the shared f eatures: 1) Reinforced non-scratch grommets 2) Overlapped double-stitched seams – se wn in the USA 3) Lightweight, multi-lay er fabric 4) Elastic se wn into front & rear hems 5) Use indoor or out 6) Protection against dings 7) Inner la yer is v er y soft New ly Impro ved W eatherstrips T runk: Midwa y thr ough 2022, we started offering our softest, mo st accurate trunk weatherstrips ev er. C805R $30.95 Doors – 60-64 Cars: For many y ear s, these were undersized and not the cor rect shape. We ha ve worked on this and no w all our 60-64 CP , 4-door and CT w eatherstrips are softer and full size. Old ones on your car will be compressed but compare to this new cros s- section. These improved weatherstrips are another Clark exclusiv e. Size may v ar y slightly . 0.640" 0.580" 0.725" 3 Laye r 5 Laye r Horn Contact for 67-69 T elescoping Wood Wheel Horn button snaps onto this. C9777 $62.95 4 oz. Brake Bleeding Hose This clear hose is the right size for bleeding original GM and Clark repro brake cylinders. You may need to heat end slightl y to fit onto bleeder the fir st time. Sold as 3 ft. piece. C4235A $4 .15 10 oz. Engine L atch Springs These springs go on the engine lid latches to hold them clo sed. Exact repro. Original black oxide coating. 60-64 Car Engine Compartment Lid Latch (Exc. Wagon) C3048 $4 .00 2 oz. 61-62 W agon and 61-63 FC Engine A ccess Door Latch C3049 $3.95 1 oz. Heater Motor Connecter Connecter and boot to convert round plug on most wiring harnesses to the flat spade terminal on most heater blower motors. Cut off old connecter and crimp on new one. Includes instruction s. C2276A $7.35 Last Chance! Set of 4 Chrome Tubes for 140 4-Barrel Carb Set Up Have a spare new set. C2216T $18 4. 20 65-69 Moog Tie Rod Set Inner & outer. Both sides. Sleev es, clamp s, everything new (no bolts). CX9240 $89.60 C2276A - - - - - - LAST CHANCE! - - - - - - Aluminum V alve Covers OTT O PART S VAL VE COVERS: The oil pans are gone. These have been av ailable for over 50 y ear s but we do not plan to rerun them. Order now a s we have a few left in stock. Main Catalog, pg. 30. ECONO V AL VE COVERS: The oil pans are gone, we still ha ve a few val ve cov er s in the main catalog pg. 30. These will not be re-run. W e do have the Clark aluminum pan s & val ve cov er s in the Main Catalog, pg. 29, or consider the HD steel repro oil pan & val ve cov ers on page 15. New Camshaft for Fuel Injected Engines We ha ve been asked about a cam shaft for engines being built for fuel injection and now we finally offer one. The normal cam s will work fine with fuel injection but there are a couple of changes that can be made to improve performance when using fuel injection. Similar specs to the popular 260 and 270 cams but tw eaked for fuel injected engines. C8829 $ 362. 25 C3048 60-64 Cars C3049
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400 Mohawk Trail Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 USA All rights reserved.
Main Office Phone: 413.625.9776 Fax: 413.625.8498