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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
1960-64 500 & 700 DOOR PANELS & 1/4 PANELS
These part #'s will give a complete door panel and nail strips NOT installed.
Have Clark's Install the nail strips – page 271G
NOTE: These door panels come without the holes for arm rests (cut if yours has them). Add either "A", "B" or "C" to
the end of the part number in the chart.
COUPE 1/4 Window Panel 3 lbs.
4-Door & Wagon
REAR DOOR 5 lbs.
4-Door & Wagon
left add A, B or C to end of C7608
right add A, B or C to end of C7609
left add A, B or C to end of C7626
right add A, B or C to end of C7627
left add A, B or C to end of C7610
right add A, B or C to end of C7611
left add A, B or C to end of C7612
right add A, B or C to end of C7613
left add A, B or C to end of C7614
right add A, B or C to end of C7615
left add A, B or C to end of C7628
right add A, B or C to end of C7629
left add A, B or C to end of C7616
right add A, B or C to end of C7617
left add A, B or C to end of C7618
right add A, B or C to end of C7619
left add A, B or C to end of C7620
right add A, B or C to end of C7621
left add A, B or C to end of C7630
right add A, B or C to end of C7631
left add A, B or C to end of C7622
right add A, B or C to end of C7623
left add A, B or C to end of C7624
right add A, B or C to end of C7625
60-64 "Door Plugs" – see page 271D ON WEB: Click on part #, add to cart, put colors in comments listing.
1/4 PANELS – Cut vinyl
for holes for window
crank &/or ashtray.
3 lbs. ea.
This new choice is similar to the original for some 1960 interior choices and
another choice for 60-64. We also have a silver vinyl which will look similar to the
silver painted cardboard, just ask for "silver". This new door panel choice is "C"
added to the end of the part # for 500/700.
New panel choice C – before binding >
1960-64 Rear Rocker Panel Plugs
Some years had a 3/4" hole & some had a 1" hole. We are not sure if these varied during a given year so
we suggest you check yours. Some used rubber plugs and some used plastic.
3/4" hole – plastic: C7582 $2.20 1" hole – plastic: C4225 $2.15
rubber: C3760R 1-4=$2.15 ea. 5-9=$2.90 ea.
These are excellent stainless REPROS. The wiper arms are virtually identical to the originals with beautiful chrome on the attaching pivots and the tension of the new
springs will help them wipe better. Arms work with original Trico & Anco blades. The blades are available as polished stainless or satin finish, non-original rounded
top design (include rubber insert). You may still use your original blade with any arms.
● 1960-64 Cars & FC REPRO – polished stainless with excellent "straight" chrome "pivot"
● 1965-69 REPRO – polished stainless with correct flared chrome "pivot"
COMPLETE KIT: 2 Wiper Arms, 2 Wiper
Blades (with rubber inserts) – 3 lbs.
Sold each
1 lb.
(WITH rubber inserts)
Sold each – 12 oz.
with Polished blades with Satin blades Polished Satin
1960-64 Cars
1961-65 FC
C10921 C10921A C10919
C10920 C10920A
C10949 C10949A C10947
Note: 1960-64 arms are 3/8" longer than the original car & 3/8" shorter than the FC – works great on either. 65-69 all had the same flared pivot but 66-68
some were polished chrome and some were satin finished (not available). 1969's were painted a "gray" paint (not available).
REPRO PRICES – Great time to buy!
Due to the quantities we have to buy, some repros only get ordered every 2-8 years and most manufacturers will not update
prices unless we are actually placing an order. This could be a great time to order repro parts before we have to reorder and
prices go up.
For example: 1964 rear air grills, 1965 & 1966-69 front chrome grill bar, most wheel and rocker trim and many others!
1960 gas tanks & all FC gas tanks. Plugs hole where gas heater line would connect. Comes with new tanks. Also comes with C7228
aluminum oil pan to plug sensor hole if no sensors are used. C983P $2.40 1 oz.
IGNITION SWITCHES – 60-65 Cars & FC: See right column page 8 near top
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 11 C3760R C4225 1 960-64 500 & 700 DOOR P ANELS & 1/4 P ANELS These part #'s will give a complete door panel and nail strips NOT installed. Have Clark's Install the nail strips – page 271G NOTE : These door panels come without the holes for arm rests (cut if yours has them). Add either "A", "B" or "C" to the end of the part number in the chart. YEAR FRO NT DOOR 5 lbs . Coupes COUPE 1/4 Window Pan el 3 lbs. FRO NT DOOR 5 lbs . 4 -Door & Wagon RE AR DOOR 5 lb s. 4 -Door & Wagon 60-61 left add A, B or C to end of C7608 right add A, B or C to end of C7609 left add A, B or C to end of C7626 right add A, B or C to end of C7627 left add A, B or C to end of C7610 right add A, B or C to end of C7611 left add A, B or C to end of C7612 right add A, B or C to end of C7613 1962 left add A, B or C to end of C7614 right add A, B or C to end of C7615 left add A, B or C to end of C7628 right add A, B or C to end of C7629 left add A, B or C to end of C7616 right add A, B or C to end of C7617 left add A, B or C to end of C7618 right add A, B or C to end of C7619 63-64 left add A, B or C to end of C7620 right add A, B or C to end of C7621 left add A, B or C to end of C7630 right add A, B or C to end of C7631 left add A, B or C to end of C7622 right add A, B or C to end of C7623 left add A, B or C to end of C7624 right add A, B or C to end of C7625 60-64 "Door Plugs" – see page 271D ON W EB: Click on par t #, add to car t, put colors in comments listing. 1/4 PANELS – Cut vinyl for holes for window crank &/or ashtray. 3 lbs. ea. ANOTHER 60-64 500/700 DOOR P ANEL CHOICE This new choice is similar to the original f or some 1960 interior choices and another choice for 60-64. W e also have a silv er vinyl which will look similar to the silver painted car dboard, just ask for "silv er". This new door panel choice is "C" added to the end of the part # for 500/700. New panel choice C – bef ore binding > 1960-64 Rear R ocker Panel Plugs Some years had a 3/4" hole & some had a 1" hole. We are not sure if these varied during a gi ven y ear so we suggest y ou check yours. Some used rubber plugs and some used pla stic. 3/4" hole – plastic: C7582 $2.20 1" hole – plastic: C4225 $2.15 rubber : C3760R 1-4=$2.15 ea. 5-9=$2.90 ea. NOTICE! ADDITIONS TO WIPER ARMS AND BLADES REPRO WIPER ARMS and BLADES – All Cars & FC These are excellent stainless REPROS . The wiper arms are virtually identical to the originals with beautiful chrome on the attaching pivots and the ten sion of the new springs will help them wipe better. Arms w ork with original T rico & Anco blades. The blades are available a s polished stainless or satin finish, non-original rounded top design (include rubber insert). You ma y still use your original blade with any arm s. ● 1960-64 Cars & FC REPRO – polished stainless with excellent "straight" chrome "piv ot" ● 1965-69 REPRO – polished stainless with correct flared chrome "pivot" REPRO COMP LET E KIT: 2 Wip er Arms , 2 Wiper Blade s (with rub ber inse rts) – 3 lbs. WIPE R ARMS Sold each 1 lb. WIPE R BL ADES (WI TH rub ber inser ts) Sold e ach – 12 oz. with Polished blades with Satin blades Polished Satin 1960 -6 4 Car s Q 196 1-6 5 F C C10921 C10921 A C10919 C10920 C10920A 1965 -6 9 Q C1094 9 C1094 9A C10947 Q Note: 1960-64 arms are 3/8" longer than the original car & 3/8" shorter than the FC – works great on either. 65-69 all had the same flared pivot but 66-68 some were polished chrome and some were satin finished ( not available ). 1969's were painted a "gra y" paint ( not av ailable ). ALL IN STOCK REPRO PRICES – Grea t time to buy! Due to the quantities we have to buy , some repros only get ordered every 2-8 years and most manufacturers will not update prices unless we are actually placing an order. This could be a great time to order repro parts before we have to reorder and prices go up. For example: 1964 rear air grills, 1965 & 1966-69 front chrome grill bar, most wheel and rocker trim and many others! BRASS PLUG FOR GAS HEA TER CONNECTION 1960 gas tanks & all FC gas tanks. Plugs hole where gas heater line would connect. Comes with ne w tanks. Also comes with C7228 aluminum oil pan to plug sensor hole if no sensors are used. C983P $2.40 1 oz. IGNITION SWITCHES – 60-65 Cars & FC: See right column page 8 near top
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