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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
While we do not charge a minimum
order fee, we do ask that you try to
keep order amounts above $20. We
understand that this is not always
possible but we appreciate it if you can
condense smaller orders into one larger
order – it helps us run efficiently and
keep costs down.
COD: As of 2021 we are no longer accepting COD orders.
IN STOCK! '65-69 Front Lower Steel Panel
Excellent 1 piece stamping from the
bottom to slightly above the bumper
and from factory seams at each end.
Includes bracket. Must be welded on
by customer.
C9173C $363.15 40 lb. dimensional
These have gotten very rare. Never thought we’d
have these! We found a turbo company willing to
do a small run. This may be a one-time only run, if
you have a 180 I’d buy a spare now, it only takes
a small spec of rust or carbon from the manifold
or exhaust pipes to damage a turbine spinning at
over 50,000 RPM! All our testing shows that these
are excellent. C1004R $249.60
Check out the Clarks YouTube Videos page at corvair.com! Link on the home page. We have
several videos demonstrating new parts, touring our facilities, and giving tips on our website. We also have links
to a few popular Corvair related YouTube channels like Matt’s Off Road Recovery, Sealed Beam Rally Team, Auto
Anatomy and Lost Wrench Garage.
Ultimate 4 Spider Gear Carrier
The 4-Spider gear unit was developed long ago by Crown and later improved by Otto Parts. However, for years CIDCO 1 had been
taking this OTTO unit and making it even stronger for customers demanding the ultimate in differential strength and reliability. Clark's
made slight improvements to the CIDCO design and now offer the strongest 4 Spider Carrier ever. POSI owners see note below.
POSI Owners: The Complete 4-Spider Kits on
pg. 126 include (2) side gears. You only need (1) and will have to
use your old posi side gear. ADD "P" to PART # and price is less
$$ and kit will only come with (1) side gear.
(example: C9499CP)
Price includes Core Fee for "Standard" nut (for 65-69)
COMPLETE Ultimate Kit
1961-64 Cars & 1961-65 Vans
C9498C 12 lbs.
1965-69 Cars
C9499C 12 lbs.
Improved Convertible Roof Rail Weatherstrips – Early And Late
Only one company produced these for over 20 years. They were okay but we felt we could make
improvements and reduce costs. We produced new tooling based on original pieces. We then trial
fit them and made necessary adjustments. The fit is now much more exact and they fit better to
the windshield header (especially the early model). The updated C8492 have been in stock since
March of 2024 and the updated C7645 have been in stock since February 2023.
62-64 Convertible – C8492: $347.60 65-69 Convertible – C7645: $338.60
unusual for spaces as much as 8mm (5/16”)
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 3 MINIMUM ORDER While we do not charge a minimum order fee, we do ask that you try to keep order amounts above $20. W e understand that this is not always possible but we appreciate it if you can condense smaller orders into one larger order – it helps us run efficiently and keep costs down. COD: As of 2021 we are no longer accepting COD orders. ! THANKS TO YOUR ORDERS, THE REPROS KEEP COMING!! I N STO C K ! '65 -69 F ro nt Lo we r Ste e l Pa n e l Excellent 1 piece stamping from the bottom to slightly above the bumper and from factory seams at each end. Includes bracket. Must be welded on by customer . C9173C $363.15 40 lb. dimensional 180 TURBINE REPRO!! These have gotten very rare. Never thought we’d have these! W e found a turbo company willing to do a small run. This may be a one-time only run, if you have a 180 I’d buy a spare now , it only takes a small spec of rust or carbon from the manifold or exhaust pipes to damage a turbine spinning at over 50,000 RPM! All our testing shows that these are excellent. C1004R $249.60 C1004R Check out the Clarks Y ouT ube Videos page at corvair .com! Link on the home page. We have several videos demonstrating new parts, touring our facilities, and giving tips on our website. W e also have links to a few popular Corvair related Y ouT ube channels like Matt’ s Off Road Recovery , Sealed Beam Rally T eam, Auto Anatomy and Lost Wrench Garage. IN STOCK! Ultimate 4 Spider Gear Carrier The 4-Spider gear unit wa s developed long ag o by Crown and later improv ed by Otto Parts. However , for y ear s CIDCO 1 had been taking this OTTO unit and making it ev en str onger for customers demanding the ultimate in differential strength and reliability. Clark's made slight improvements to the CIDCO design and now offer the strong est 4 Spider Carrier ever. POSI owners see note below. POSI Owners : The Complete 4 -Spider Kits on pg. 126 in clude (2) side gea rs . You only ne ed (1 ) and w ill have to use yo ur old posi s ide gear. AD D "P" to PA RT # and pr ice is le ss $$ and ki t will only c ome wit h ( 1) side gear. (example: C9499CP) * Pric e includ es Cor e Fee for "S tandar d" nut (for 6 5-69) COMP LET E Ultima te Kit 1961-64 Car s & 1961-65 Vans C9498C 12 lbs. 1965 -69 C ars * C9499C 12 lbs . Improved Convertible Roof Rail W eatherstrips – Early And Late Only one company produced these for over 20 years. They were okay but we felt we could make improvements and reduce costs. W e produced new tooling based on original pieces. We then trial fit them and made necessary adjustments. The fit is now much more exact and they fit better to the windshield header (especially the early model). The updated C8492 have been in stock since March of 2024 and the updated C7645 have been in stock since February 2023. 62-64 Convertible – C8492: $347.60 65-69 Convertible – C7645: $338.60 OLD REPRO WEATHERSTRIP FIT : It was not unusual for spaces as much as 8mm (5/16”)
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Copyright © 1978, 2022 Clark's Corvair Parts, Inc., "Clark's Corvair Parts" and the "Corvair Map" are registered service marks of Clark's Corvair Parts, Inc.
400 Mohawk Trail Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 USA All rights reserved.
Main Office Phone: 413.625.9776 Fax: 413.625.8498