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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
1961-62 HEATER SEALS: These fit both ends of the metal connector
beneath the rear seat. Not exact repros but work great. C2312 requires staples
like the engine side strips and C2313 requires weatherstrip glue. Each sold as
a pair. Includes instructions. These come in the 61-62 car Multi-Kit Ultimate
heater kits.
A = Connector to Heater Box/Set of 2 C2312 $12.15 6 oz
B = Connector to Outlet/Set of 2 C2313 $9.70 6 oz
Set of 50 Staples for C2312 C858E $14.25 2 oz.
Suggested glue for C2313 C4870R $19.15 8 oz.
63-64 ANTENNA NUT TOOL: This tool slides over
the antenna base nut, allowing a regular wrench to turn
the nut. C2921X $30.00 4 oz.
Tall Upper Head Nuts: 1” tall protects
threads and engages more threads. 32 Rockwell
hardness, class 3 formed internal threads. Available
in black zinc (rust resistant but will rust over time)
or nickel plated which is more rust resistant. Black
zinc can be hard to screw the nut on the first time.
If the nut feels tight, use a wrench to turn the nut
on the stud back and forth a few times. Do not use
a tap to clean threads, it will damage the formed
threads. 12 nuts & case hard washers.
Black zinc set of 12 C5359 $66.00 1 lb.
Nickel plated set of 12 C5345 $84.90 1 lb.
C5359 C5345
You can do everything from the open end of the pushrod tube. Insert the tool
and the sliding jaw engages the
inside of the tube as you turn
the knob. There is also a wrench
“flat” to help release stuck tubes
by turning back & forth. The tool
has a slide weight to help tap
tube out. To install tube – just install tool & give a tap on the end with your
hand or the slide weight. Our other removal tool requires you to engage the
inner surface of the tube & hit the tool with a hammer. This tool is definitely
easier! Watch the video on our “Clark YouTube Videos” page. Tool comes with
instructions. C5346 $99.30 2 lbs.
Use removers separately or thread into C12603 or
C1712B. These tools work much better than the C6679A
and C6679E tools we have carried for years. Also see Main
Catalog, page 340.
1960-64 with 3 slots for removal: C5347E $28.15 6 oz.
1965-67 with 4 slots for removal: C5347L $30.40 6 oz.
NOTE: If '65 has 3, order C5347E.
Engine Compartment Insulation
1960-61 Coupes & 60-64 4 Doors: These replace the black plastic covered
fiberglass insulation visible in the engine compartment. Our black plastic is
about 30% thicker and is glued to the insulation, ready to install. They look
identical to the original including the wrinkles & can be rolled for shipping with
no harm. The 4 door version used plastic retainers. We have ones that are close
but you must slightly enlarge the five 3/8” holes with a 25/64” drill, insert
blunt punch into clip and hit to install.
1960-61 Coupes (2 pieces) C13426 $36.95 2 lbs.
1960-64 4 Doors (1 piece) C13427 $38.50 2 lbs.
Set of 5 Black Plastic Retainers C13425 $5.50 4 oz.
Stainless Bead Fuzzies
Full sets for 60-64 Coupes and 62-64 Convertibles. Not original but some
owners prefer the stainless over the black bead.
Set for 1960-64 Coupes C340Z $156.25 2 lbs.
Set for 62-64 Convertibles C341Z $146.05 2 lbs.
Stainless Bead Fuzzies with Multi-Kits: Simply add Z to the end of any
Multi-Kit with fuzzies and they will have the stainless bead. See Main
Catalog, page MK-15.
The company making
aftermarket sheet metal for
us has restarted production
and many panels are back
in stock. C1500 steel front lower panel is back in stock along with
several other steel body panels.
We now have steel and fiberglass front lower panels available.
Steel: C1500 $243.50
Fiberglass: C1500F PRICE REDUCED! $179.00
Glo Bright Lenses
We have a few of the following Glo Bright lenses from the 60s. Other than
saying Glo Bright & TMC, they look the same as original "Guide". The chrome
trim on the 1963s and 65-69s is not as high a quality as our repros. All 6 oz.
1960-61 Tail Light C218R $26.00
1962 Tail Light C219R $28.00
1962 Back Up (with trim) C8085 $10.00
1963 Tail Light (with trim) C8086 $19.80
1964 Tail Light C8088 $18.00
1965 Tail Light CX2669 $22.00
1965 Back Up CX2668 $22.00
1966-69 Tail Light (wide trim) CX2670T $25.00
1966 Tail Light (narrow trim) CX5273 $49.00
1966 Back Up (narrow trim) CX8096 $49.00
Narrow Trim Set: 2 Glo Bright Tail & 2 Glo Bright Back Up – 1966
CX8096X $179.00
*Early 1966 Corvairs had a narrow trim ring – extremely rare – we have
a few Glo-Bright with the narrow trim.
Yoke Puller: 60-69 Cars & FC
This heavy-duty puller will remove the
yoke off end of early axle shafts or
65-69 yokes from wheel bearing units.
Also see Main Catalog, page 339.
C3490X 4 lbs.
1962 Tail Lens – Aftermarket NO TRIM
Apparently when these were made they ran out of trim and never finished
them. Transfer your trim. CX6084
$3.00 6 oz.
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** C2921X 18 1961-62 HEA TER SEALS: T hese f it bot h ends of the me tal conn ector benea th the re ar seat. N ot exac t repro s but work g reat. C 2312 requires s taple s like the en gine side s trips an d C2313 requires we ather str ip glue. Eac h sold as a pair. Include s instr uctio ns. The se come in t he 61 - 62 car Mul ti-K it Ultima te heate r kits . A = Connector to Heater Box/Set of 2 C2 312 $1 2.15 6 oz B = Connector to Outlet/Set of 2 C2313 $ 9.7 0 6 oz Set of 50 Staples for C2312 C858E $14 .2 5 2 oz. Suggested glue for C2313 C4870R $19 .15 8 oz. C5347E C5347L 63-64 ANTENNA NUT TOOL: This tool slides over the antenna base nut, allowing a regular wrench to turn the nut. C2921X $30.00 4 oz. MORE T OOLS BY BLUE CHIP TOOLS T all Upper Head Nuts: 1” tall protects threads and engages more threads. 32 Rockw ell hardness, cla ss 3 formed internal thr eads. Available in black zinc (rust resistant but will r ust ov er time) or nickel plated which is more rust resistant. Black zinc can be hard to screw the nut on the first time. If the nut feels tight, use a w r ench to turn the nut on the stud back and forth a few times. Do not use a tap to clean threads, it will damage the formed threads. 12 nuts & ca se har d washers. Black zinc set of 12 C5359 $66.00 1 lb. Nickel plated set of 12 C5345 $84.9 0 1 lb . C5359 C5345 NEW PUSHROD TUBE REMOV AL & INSTALL TOOL You can do e ver ything from the open end of the pushrod tube. Insert the tool and the sliding jaw engag es the inside of the tube a s you turn the knob. There is also a wrench “flat” to help relea se stuck tubes by turning back & forth. The tool has a slide w eight to help tap tube out. To in stall tube – just install tool & give a tap on the end with y our hand or the slide weight. Our other r emov al tool r equires you to engag e the inner surface of the tube & hit the tool with a hammer. This tool is definitely easier! Watch the video on our “Clar k YouT ube Videos” page. T ool comes with instruction s. C5346 $99 . 30 2 lb s. IGNITION BEZEL REMOVER Use removers separately or thread into C12603 or C1712B. These tools work much better than the C6679A and C6679E tools we hav e car ried for years. Also see Main Catalog, pag e 340. 1960-64 with 3 slots for removal: C5347E $28 .15 6 oz. 1965-67 with 4 slots for removal: C5347L $30 .40 6 oz. NOTE : If '65 ha s 3, order C5347E . C13426 Engine Compartment Insulation 1960-61 Coupes & 60-64 4 Doors: These replace the black plastic co vered fiberglas s insulation visible in the engine compartment. Our black plastic is about 30% thicker and is glued to the insulation, ready to install. They look identical to the original including the wrinkles & can be rolled for shipping with no harm. The 4 door version used plastic retainers. We ha ve ones that are close but you must slightl y enlarge the fiv e 3/8” holes with a 25/64” drill, insert blunt punch into clip and hit to install. 1960-61 Coupes (2 pieces) C13426 $36.95 2 lbs. 1960-64 4 Doors (1 piece) C13427 $38.50 2 lbs. Set of 5 Black Plastic Retainers C13425 $5.50 4 oz. C13427 Stainless Bead Fuzzies Full sets for 60-64 Coupes and 62-64 Convertibles. Not original but some owners prefer the stainless ov er the black bead. Set for 1960-64 Coupes C340Z $1 56. 25 2 lb s. Set for 62-64 Convertibles C341Z $14 6. 05 2 lbs. Stainless Bead Fuzzies with Multi-Kits: Simply add Z to the end of an y Multi-Kit with fuzzies and they will hav e the stainless bead. See Main Catalog, page MK-15. 1960-64 BODY P ANEL BELOW FRONT BUMPER The company making aftermarket sheet metal for us has restarted production and many panels are back in stock. C1500 steel front low er panel is back in stock along with several other steel bod y panels. We no w have steel and fiberglass front low er panels available. Steel: C1500 $24 3. 50 Fiberglass: C1500F PRICE REDUCED! $17 9 . 0 0 C1500F Glo Bright Lenses We have a few o f the foll owing Glo Br ight le nses f rom the 6 0s. Ot her tha n sayin g Glo Brig ht & TMC, t hey look t he same as o rigina l "Guide". The chr ome tri m on the 1963 s and 65- 69s is not a s high a quali ty as our r epros . All 6 oz. 1960 -61 Tail Ligh t C218 R $26.00 1962 Tail Li ght C219R $28.00 1962 Bac k Up (with t rim) C808 5 $ 10.0 0 1963 Tail L ight (wit h trim) C 8086 $19. 80 1964 Tail Li ght C8088 $18 .00 1965 Tail Li ght CX266 9 $22.0 0 1965 Bac k Up CX26 68 $2 2.00 1966- 69 Tail Lig ht (wide tr im) CX 2670T $25.0 0 1966 Tail Lig ht (narrow t rim) CX 5273 $49.00 1966 Bac k Up (narrow tr im) CX80 96 $ 49.00 Narr ow Trim Set: 2 G lo Brig ht Tail & 2 Glo Brig ht Back Up – 196 6 CX8096X $17 9. 0 0 *Early 1966 C orv airs had a na rrow tr im ring – e xtre mely rar e – we have a few Gl o-Br ight with t he narro w trim. Y oke Puller: 60-69 Cars & FC This heavy-duty puller will remove the yoke off end of early axle shafts or 65-69 yokes from w heel bearing units. Also see Main Catalog, page 339. C3490X 4 lbs. C3490X 1962 T ail Lens – Af termark et NO TRIM Appar ently whe n these w ere made th ey ran out of t rim and neve r finishe d them. Tran sfer your t rim. CX60 84 $3.00 6 oz.
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