We ship many of our orders on the day received and can usually handle "rush" orders until 2:00 p.m. E.S.T.
Our extensive inventory and experienced team accounts for our superior service. Please be sure to copy part numbers
correctly. Include all letters in the part number. The weights listed are only approximate. All shipping companies are
now so complicated with dimensional weight (by size, not actual weight) and "extra charges" that with the variety of
parts combinations our customers can order, we can no longer give any estimated shipping charges. We only charge
you the actual cost and do not add any additional fees of any kind. We try to ship the safest & least expensive way we
can. We refund any extra money sent. If you do have an amount due, please pay in 7 days. Please include your phone
number and / or your email address on the order in case we need to conrm the parts ordered. See full list of policies
inside the front cover.
1. MAIL: Please ll out our whole order form accurately, mailed in orders usually get here in 1-5 days.
2. PHONE: MAIN LINE – 413-625-9776 (5 LINES)
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.(E.S.T.) Mon.-Fri. We do not accept collect calls. Please ll out our order form and
have your part numbers. This is the best way to order as we have the computer to give you instant information or to
answer any questions you have.
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day,
Thanksgiving, Christmas. There may be a few other days during the year that we are closed (New England weather!).
3. FAX: 413-625-8498 – This is a 24-hour fax line. We monitor the fax several times per day.
4. EMAIL: clarks@corvair.com – You may order via email 24 hours a day but we only download orders twice per
day. We do our best to answer your emailed questions within 4 hours, but this isn't always possible. We are only here
to answer emails Monday-Friday (8:30-4:30!).
5. INTERNET SITE: www.corvair.com – You can place secure orders and get current costs and descriptions at
our internet site. Browse around – try it out. Our online index is great once you try it; improved for 2019. We also
have forms for address changes, technical assistance and customer service. You can ll them out and they email
directly to us from our site. See pg. 429 for more information.
PAYMENT – Also see inside the front cover. NO CASH PLEASE!
INTERNATIONAL: NO personal checks. We accept Bank checks or postal money orders payable in U.S. funds
payable through a U.S. bank or credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or Amex).
2 – BANK CHECKS, certied checks, cashier checks, money orders, postal money orders.
required to have the "security code" (3 digits on back or 4 digits on front) each time you order in addition to the
number, expiration date & billing address from the credit card statement. We do not charge any extra for credit
card orders and your card is not charged until the order leaves.
Credit cards are considered "pre-paid" for items that must be pre-paid.
"Custom" orders cannot be returned.
4 – REFUNDS: If you send a check with an order please check one of the following on the order form in case we
need to refund you.
( ) CHECK (The computer will print a refund check. Cash these (within 90 days) or return with your next order.)
( ) CREDIT ON ACCOUNT (Your order copy will indicate the amount the computer has put on your account and it
can be used with any type of order).
5 – COD (Collect on Delivery): No longer offered.
FEDEX ADDRESS CORRECTIONS: FedEx charges an address correction fee for each package in a shipment that is
addressed incorrectly. Please make sure you give us your complete address correctly.