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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
NOS VALVES – Priced less than repros!
Original Chevy valves, most still in original boxes. Order sets of 6
or individually while they last. All are standard size valve stem.
6 oz. ea or 2 lbs./set of 6 Individual Sets of 6
Exhaust: All (exc. turbo & 140Hp) – 4 groove CX1488 CX1488A
Exhaust: FC use w/ rotator cap (not included) CX1479 - - - - - -
"NOS" NOT listed in the "NOS" Catalog
These Items Will be Discontinued When Gone.
61-64 Car Air Control Cable (to rear) CX4047 $59.00 2 lbs.
Lo Note Horns:
Look like NOS, but the brackets are slightly different.
Can be modified to work on 61-64. CX8713
$28.00 3 lbs.
1965 Accelerator Rod: From transmission to carb cross shaft (exc turbo & 140)
CX8728 $33.00 2 lbs.
FC Side Door Lock Latch: Attaches to edge of side door & small arm for up &
one for down. Left Side Rear Door
CX8612 $24.00 1 lb.
NOS 60-61 Windshield Washer Fluid Tank Bracket
Mounts in the trunk to hold the plastic washer fluid reservoir, not the glass bottle.
CX9180 $17.00 1 lb.
Set of 2 Delco Solenoids: Shelf worn – minor rust & dust: CX9221 $39.00 2 lbs.
FC Center Tie Rod Link: Connects tie rod, steering box & idler arm. CX9218 $44.15 4 lbs.
1961 NOS Windshield Glare Shade: Dark green plastic strips with clips to
attach to the top windshield rubber, on the inside, 985015 – extremely rare – set has 2
of the plastic pieces but since I only have enough clips for one, you get both. Says not for
wagon, probably since
you look more through
top of wagon. I’m not
sure if really usable
or an interesting rare
option – includes
original instructions.
CX9214X $99.00 dimensional wt.
More NOS Parts
1965 NOS Black Wrinkle Paint Glove Box Door: New but the wrinkle is
rubbed smooth along right edge in 1/4”. CX9037 $59.00 2 lbs.
1964 Tail & Backup Center Trim
(not as nice as our repros) CX9038 $3.95 ea 4 oz.
Sell us your used one and have one with all new chrome
new factory paint, just replace the gaskets & accelerator
pump. CX8718 $695.00 8 lbs.
Bumper Guard Clamps – New 2nds
These appear new, but may have been near the end of the run &
tooling was going bad. They work fine, just not as nicely stamped as
1960-64 Cars & 61-65 FC: 1 = 4 clamps, bolts & lock washers
(does 2 front or 2 rear guards)
CX8990 $4.60 8 oz.
1965-69 Fronts CX8991 $1.50 ea. 2 oz.
Rears CX8992
$1.50 ea. 2 oz.
1961 Lakewood Inner Rear Panel: Reinforces the rear panel below the rear bumper.
CX9149 $145 – Oversize
1961-64 Front Body Panels: Bottom below bumper, cut off CX9141 $190
1960-64 Left Front Fender: Surface rust – front bottom cut off CX9143 $375
1960-64 Right Front Fender: Front bottom cut off CX9144 $395
1965-69 Engine Lid Complete: Both panels have 2 front corners that are bent – best guess
is an hour for a body shop to fix both corners. Surface rust, front 2 corners bent. CX9135 $325 – Oversize
NOS GM Spring Ring Braided Ground Cables: 61-64 cars (exc.
wagons) – I can’t remember when we last had these as NOS instead
of repro – in original boxes – tinned. CX7706G $89.00 1 lb.
Seat Adjusters: We have 2 new with
the chrome adjuster lever/knobs, not
sure what they fit – click on the part
# on the web for larger, color picture.
A = CX9257 $19.00 4 lbs.
C = CX9259 $19.00 4 lbs.
1960-69 Car NOS Accel Pedal
Note – one hole is round and one has
a flat side, to use you would have to
do a very slight amount of grinding or
filing the black line shows where you
would grind once you figure the angle
you wanted for the pedal, just the
slightest off the threaded part. C542A $17.00 1 lb.
1965-69 CP/4 Dr Sunvisor Pivots: Sold as a pair.
NOTE: NOS but not as nice as the repros. CX9264 $28.00 1 lb.
NOS 65-69 (Exc. CT) Sunvisor Pivots – Either Side
Plating not as good as our repros. CX3340 $9.00 1 lb.
NOS Rampside Rear Tailgate Right Side Latch: Nice original looking
plating but not nearly as nice as the repros. CX9341 $229.00 1 lb.
NOS Headliner Clips- 60-63 Headliner Clips
These clip into the edges of the roof and the headliner bows fit into
the holes. Sold each. C4254A $6.95 1 oz.
NOS Rear Door Threshold Panel: Greenbriers & panel vans.
Goes across directly under rear doors. CX9354X $45.00 8 lbs.
MORE NOS: OVER 40 ITEMS WE’VE BEEN OUT OF FOR YEARS – See What’s New page on website.
NOS 65-69 Push Button AM Radio: Still in the box. Includes radio, face plate,
and anti-static kit but no knobs. CX9378
NOS Floor Mat: NOS 1965 full width rubber floor mat in aqua. Excellent condition.
NOS 1966-69 Wheel Trim: Inspected and waxed. Some of the best NOS we’ve seen
and priced less than our repros! Set of 4 NOS wheel trim. CX6934 $169.00
NOS Under-Hood Light Kit: Early 70's style NOS Chevelle under-hood light kit.
Similar to Corvair engine compartment light but not exact. CX9376 $29.00
NOS A-Arm: NOS 1963 front lower left A-arm. Includes ball joint, bushing, and
stabilizer support. CX9373 $125.00
LIMITED QUANTITY – 65-69 NOS front and rear original suspension
adjustment nuts: NOS 65-69 special nut for front or rear camber adjusting bolt.
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 9 NO S VA LVE S – Priced less than repros! Orig inal Chev y valves, mo st sti ll in original b oxes. Or der set s of 6 or indiv idually while th ey last. A ll are st andard siz e valve ste m. 6 oz. ea or 2 lb s./set of 6 Individual Sets of 6 Ex haust : All (exc. tur bo & 140Hp) – 4 gro ove C X14 8 8 C X14 88 A Ex haust : FC use w/ ro tator c ap (not includ ed) C X147 9 - - - - - - "NOS" NOT listed in the "NOS " Catalog These Items Will be Discontinued When Gone. 61-64 Car A ir Contr ol Cable (to r ear) CX404 7 $59.00 2 lb s. Lo Not e Horns: Look lik e NOS, but the b racket s are slig htly di ffer ent. Can be mo dified t o work on 61-64. CX8 713 $28.00 3 lbs. 1965 Accelerator Rod: Fr om tran smissi on to carb c ros s shaft (exc t urbo & 140) CX8728 $33. 00 2 lbs. FC Side Door Lock Latch: Att aches to e dge of side door & s mall arm for up & one for dow n. Lef t Side Rear Doo r CX 8612 $24. 00 1 lb. NOS 60-61 Windshield Washer Fluid T ank Bracket Mounts in the trunk to hold the plastic wa sher fluid reser voir , not the glas s bottle. CX9180 $17.00 1 lb. Set of 2 Delco Solenoids: Shelf worn – minor rust & dust: CX9221 $39.00 2 lbs. FC Center Tie Rod Link: Connects tie rod, steering box & idler arm. CX9218 $44.15 4 lb s. 1961 NOS Windshield Glare Shade: D ark green plastic strip s with clips to attach to the top windshield rubber, on the inside, 985015 – extremely rare – set ha s 2 of the plastic pieces but since I onl y have enough clip s for one, you g et both. Says not for wagon, pr obably since you look more through top of wagon. I’m not sure if really usable or an interesting rare option – includes original instruction s. CX9214X $99.00 dimensional wt. More NOS Parts 1965 NO S Black Wrinkle Pa int Glove Box Door: New bu t the wri nkle is rubbe d smoot h along righ t edge in 1/ 4”. CX90 37 $59.00 2 lbs. 1964 Tail & Backup Ce nter Trim (not as nice as our r epros) CX9038 $3.95 ea 4 oz . 1962 BL ACK TURBO CARB – NOS Sell us you r used one and hav e one with all n ew chrome new fac tor y paint, jus t replace t he gaske ts & acc elerat or pump. C X871 8 $695.00 8 lbs. Bumper Guard Clamps – New 2nds The se appear new, but m ay have been near t he end of the r un & tooling w as going bad. T hey work f ine, just not as ni cely st amped as most. 1960 -64 Ca rs & 61-65 FC: 1 = 4 c lamps, bolt s & lock wa shers (does 2 fron t or 2 rear guar ds) CX8990 $ 4.60 8 oz. 1965 -69 Front s C X89 91 $1.50 ea. 2 o z. Rear s CX8992 $1.50 ea. 2 oz. N OS BOD Y P ANELS 1961 Lakewo od Inner Rear P anel: Reinfo rces t he rear pane l below the r ear bumper. CX91 49 $145 – Overs ize 1961 - 64 Front Body Panels: Bott om below bumpe r, cut off CX 9141 $19 0 1960-64 Lef t Front Fender: Surf ace rus t – fron t bott om cut of f CX91 43 $37 5 1960-64 Right Front Fender: Fro nt bot tom cut of f CX 9144 $3 95 1965- 69 Eng ine Lid Com plete: Bot h panels have 2 f ront cor ners t hat are ben t – best gu ess is an hour fo r a body shop t o fix bo th corn ers. Sur fac e rust , front 2 c orner s bent. CX9135 $325 – Over size CX91 44 CX9135 C542A NOS GM Spring Ring Braided Ground Cables: 61-64 cars (exc. wagon s) – I can’t remember when we la st had these as NOS in stead of repro – in original boxes – tinned. CX7706G $89.00 1 lb. Seat Adjusters: W e have 2 new with the chrome adjuster lever/knobs, not sure what they fit – click on the part # on the web for larger , color picture. A = CX9257 $19.00 4 lbs. C = CX9259 $19.00 4 lbs. 1960-69 Car NOS Accel Pedal Note – one hole is round and one has a flat side, to use y ou would have to do a very slight amount of grinding or filing the black line shows where y ou would grind once y ou figur e the angle you wanted for the pedal, just the slightest off the threaded part. C542A $17.00 1 lb. 1965-69 CP/4 Dr Sunvisor Pivots: Sold as a pair . NOTE: NO S but not as nice a s the r epros. CX9264 $28.00 1 lb. NOS 65-69 (Exc. CT) Sunvisor Pivots – Either Side Plating not as g ood as our repros. CX3340 $9.00 1 lb. NOS Rampside Rear T ailgate Right Side Latch: Nice original looking plating but not nearly as nice a s the r epros. CX9341 $229.00 1 lb. NOS Headliner Clips- 60-63 Headliner Clips These clip into the edges of the roof and the headliner bows fit into the holes. Sold each. C4254A $6.95 1 oz. CX9354X NOS Rear Door Threshold Panel: Greenbriers & panel vans. Goes across directly under rear doors. CX9354X $45.00 8 lb s. MORE NOS: OVER 40 ITEMS WE’VE BEEN OUT OF FOR YEARS – See What’ s New page on website. NOS RA DIO S NOS 65-69 Push Button AM Radio: Still in the box. Includes radio, face plate, and anti-static kit but no knobs. CX9378 NOS Floor Mat: NOS 1965 full width rubber floor mat in aqua. Excellent condition. CX9374 NOS 1966-69 Wheel Trim: In spected and waxed. Some of the best NOS w e’ve seen and priced less than our repros! Set of 4 NOS w heel trim. CX6934 $169.00 NOS Under-Hood Light Kit: Early 70's style NOS Chev elle under-hood light kit. Similar to Corvair engine compartment light but not exact. CX9376 $29.00 NOS A-Arm: NOS 1963 front lower left A-arm. Includes ball joint, bushing, and stabilizer support. CX9373 $125.00 LIM ITED Q UANTITY – 65- 69 NO S front and re ar original su spension adjustment nuts: NOS 65-69 special nut for front or rear camber adjusting bolt. CX4602R
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