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Gasket only
1960 Front Emblem Nuts & Protectors
Attach front emblem & protect end inside trunk,
exact as from factory. Set of 4.
C4735 $4.20 2 oz.
1960 Rear License Plate Glass Rubber Gasket
Also see other 1960 license gaskets – Catalog page 96.
C4737 $3.15 1 oz. Glass not included
1960 Front Fender Emblem Retaining Palnuts
Some used these from factory – Set of 6 for both sides.
C4736 $2.20 1 oz.
NEW – 1960 Long Fuel Lines
Pre-bent line from tank back to engine compartment.
C11239 $47.5 5
Pre-bent gas heater feed line from engine shroud to front "T" near gas tank.
C12552F $47.50
1960-Specific Vacuum Hoses
Complete Vacuum Hose Kit. All 8 hoses used in the engine compartment, including
Powerglide modulator line. Cars with manual transmissions will have a couple extra
hoses. C5855 $12.15 1 lb.
Carb Balance Tube Hoses
1960 engines used a much larger balance tube. These hoses connect the tube to
the head at the base of each carb. Sold as a pair. Included in C5855.
C841E $6.20 4 oz.
Modulator Line Hoses
The hoses for the 1960 Powerglide modulator line are a little
different. Included in C5855. C3358E $4.00 4 oz.
1960 Engine Compartment Grommet
PG tube & modulator line through shroud. Not exact
repro but excellent. C7364E $7.15 2 oz.
WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
65-69 Front Door
Chrome Bolt/Washers
& Washer/Nut
One bolt/washer & the large washer/nut attach
to the front of the door to hold the vent window
chrome. The other bolt/washer is on the rear of the front door.
Sold as a set of 4 bolt/washers and 2 washer/nuts. Beautiful chrome plating.
C5793C $16.65 4 oz.
Full Set
This kit uses longer nuts
to tighten the idler pulley
such that a regular wrench
can be used. A stud is
threaded in to replace
the bolt and the other
special nut is used on
the stud already on car.
All year Corvairs.
C646K $37.45 8 oz.
Idler nuts below pulley, next to distributor
1960 Gas Tank
---- IN STOCK ----
After the initial production we do
not expect to be able to re-run.
You can add a 1960 gas tank to
our multikits by addingX to the
end of the part number. If also
getting sealer add the A after the X.
Example: C10407XA C12804 $339.00 40 lbs. EXCELLENT REPRO
1960 Speedo Grommet: This is a very low volume part
so they are handmade in low volume tooling, don’t look
"great" but don’t show under the carpet & are very close
to the originals. C13410 $14.80 2 oz.
1960 Door Sills – finally the correct door sills – COUPES & 4-DOOR
We are sorry it took so long to realize we could supply the 1960 CP door sills very original. We were using the 1961-64 CPs
which have the rectangular "cut out" for the heater (which the 1960 did not have). We are now modifying 1962-64 Convertible
door sills which did not have the "cut out" – so they now look exact for the 1960 CPs and very close for the 4-door.
PLEASE NOTE – 4 DOOR: Because we are using front door sills to make these 4-door sills, the "Body by Fisher" emblems
will not be where they should be, the ends are cut & die stamped so they look quite nice, but not exact repros. Exact 4-door
will never be produced. Body by Fisher emblems sold separately – see Main Catalog, page 298.
1960 Coupe Door Sills – Sold as a pair C7709E $156.30 5 lbs. IN STOCK
1960 4-Door Door Sills – Set of 4 C13136E $357.00 5 lbs. IN STOCK
1960 Cooling Fan Shroud Pivot Bushings
Even if yours look ok, they are over 60 years old and may be brittle.
These are not an exact fit. They are slightly loose but they work great.
Sold set of 2. C1458 $6.50 1 oz.
61-62 FC Master Cylinder Save $60 over Repro!
New, older MC, EXACT except line goes in bottom
instead of side. We supply adaptor line and
coupler – just bend brake line and screw into
coupler! CX8330 $59.00 7 lbs.
HARMONIC BALANCER – High Performance
with degrees marked every degree
from zero to +50 degrees and -50
degrees of timing, in 2 degree
C9871R $338.00 6 lbs.
65-68 Clutch Cable w/ Nylon Protected Cable
Like NOS – Less apt to fray & break. C260 $49.15 5 lbs.
This supplement is also on our
website and all part numbers are
clickable for prices and ordering.
C4735 C4737 Gasket only 1 960 Front Emblem Nuts & Protectors Att ach fr ont emblem & pr otec t end inside t runk, exac t as from f actor y. Set of 4. C47 35 $4.20 2 o z. 1960 Rear License Plate Gla ss Rubber Gasket Also s ee other 1960 li cense g asket s – Catalog p age 96. C47 37 $3.15 1 oz. Glass n ot included 1960 Front Fender Embl em Retaining Palnuts Some us ed thes e from f actor y – Set of 6 f or both si des. C47 36 $2.20 1 oz . NEW – 1960 Long Fuel Line s Pre -bent line f rom tank b ack to engi ne compar tment . C112 39 $ 4 7.5 5 Pre -bent ga s heater fe ed line fr om engine shr oud to fr ont "T " near gas t ank. C1255 2F $ 47. 5 0 1960 -Spec ific V acuum Hoses Comple te Vacuum Hos e Kit. A ll 8 hoses u sed in the e ngine comp art ment, inclu ding Powerg lide modulator line. Car s with manual trans missions will have a coupl e extr a hose s. C5855 $12 .15 1 lb. Carb Balance Tube Hoses 1960 engine s used a muc h larger balan ce tube. T hese hos es conne ct the t ube to the hea d at the bas e of each car b. Sold as a pair. Includ ed in C5855. C8 41E $6. 20 4 oz. Modulator Line Hoses The ho ses for t he 1960 Powerg lide modulat or line are a li ttle dif ferent . Included i n C5855. C3358 E $4.00 4 oz. 1960 Engine Comp artment Gro mmet PG tub e & modulator lin e throug h shroud. No t exact repr o but exce llent. C736 4E $7 .15 2 oz. 5 i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kn own to th e Stat e of Cali forni a to caus e cance r or repr oduc tive har m. **For mor e infor mati on go to w ww.P65 Warning s.ca. gov** 65 - 69 Front Door Chrome Bolt / Washers & Wa s he r/ N ut One bol t/washer & t he large was her/ nu t att ach to the f ront of t he door to ho ld the vent wi ndow chrom e. The oth er bolt /washer is on th e rear of the f ront do or. Sold as a s et of 4 bolt /washer s and 2 washer/nuts. B eautif ul chrome p lating. C5793C $1 6 .65 4 oz. C5793C Full Set F AN BEL T IDLER NUT KIT This kit uses longer nuts to tighten the idler pulley such that a regular wrench can be used. A stud is threaded in to replace the bolt and the other special nut is used on the stud already on car. All year Corvairs. C646K $37.45 8 oz. Idler nuts below pulley , next to distributor 1960 Gas T ank ---- IN ST OCK ---- After the initial production we do not expect to be able to re-run. You can add a 1960 g as tank to our multikits by addingX to the end of the part number. If also getting sealer add the A after the X. Example: C10407XA C12804 $339.00 40 lbs. EXCELLENT REPRO 1960 Speedo Grommet: This is a very low volume part so they are handmade in low volume tooling, don’t look "great" but don’t show under the carpet & are very close to the originals. C13410 $14.80 2 oz. C13410 1 9 60 Door Sills – f inall y the corr ect door sills – C OUPES & 4-DOOR We are sorr y it took so long to re alize we could supp ly the 1 960 CP do or sills ver y original. We were us ing the 1961 - 64 CPs which have the re ctangula r " cut out" for th e heater (which the 1960 di d not have). W e a re now modify ing 1962-64 Conver tible door sill s which did not have the "cut out" – so t hey now look exact for the 1960 CPs an d very clos e for the 4-do or . PLEASE NOT E – 4 DOOR: Becau se we are using fro nt door sills to make the se 4-do or sills, the "Body by Fi sher" emble ms will not be whe re they should be, th e ends are cut & d ie stamped s o they look quite nice, b ut not exact repro s. Exact 4- door will never be pro duced. Body by Fi sher emb lems sold s eparate ly – see Mai n Catalog, p age 298. 1960 Coupe Doo r Sills – Sold as a p air C7709E $ 156.30 5 lbs. IN STO CK 1960 4-Doo r Door Sills – S et of 4 C13 136 E $357 .00 5 lbs. IN STO CK 1960 Cooling Fan Shroud Pivot Bushings Even if your s look ok, t hey are over 6 0 years ol d and may be brit tle. The se are not an e xact f it. Th ey are sligh tly loos e but they w ork gre at. Sold se t of 2. C1458 $6.5 0 1 oz. C7364E CX8330 61-62 FC Master Cylinder Save $60 over Repro! New, older MC, E XAC T except lin e goes in bot tom inst ead of side. We suppl y adaptor line an d couple r – just bend br ake line and sc rew into coupler! CX8330 $59.00 7 lbs. HARMONIC BALANCER – High Performance with degrees marked every degree from zero to +50 degrees and -50 degrees of timing, in 2 degree increments. C9871R $338.00 6 lbs. 65-68 Clutch Cable w/ Nylon Prote cted Cable Like NOS – Less apt to fra y & break. C260 $49.15 5 lbs. THIS SUPPLEMENT ON WEBSITE This supplement is also on our website and all part numbers are clickable for prices and ordering.
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