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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
C4529 C446A C1012P C447B
Due to larger orders, all brake shoes have been decreased by $10.00 and MULTIKITS by $17-$20.
60-64 Car Front or Rear: C3639 61-65 FC Front or Rear: C3642
65-69 Car Front: C3640 65-69 Car Rear: C3641
(Price decrease does not apply to relined 1960-61 shoes)
61-65 FC and 65-69 Car turned brake drums now have NO CORE!
All three part numbers now priced at $79.00 each with no core deposit.
Brake drums are turned a maximum of .060", usually less is required.
61-65 FC Front or Rear: C8161
65-69 Car Front: C8162
65-69 Car Rear: C8166
Windshield Washer Nozzles IN STOCK
Replace those corroded and clogged nozzles. Made just like the originals.
60-64 Car: sold each, 2 needed C7647 $10.60 2 oz.
65-69 Car: sold each, 2 needed C7648 $10.60 2 oz.
Gasket for 60-69 nozzles C7245 $3.05 ea 1 oz.
Set of 4 screws and 2 gaskets, 60-69 C7648G $6.50 2 oz.
Set of 4 screws, 60-69: enough for both sides C7648X $1.70 1 oz.
Windshield Washer Hose Clips
These clips hold the windshield washer hose in place at the rear of the trunk.
Originals tend to get lost, break, or rust away. Exact repros. 2-3 used.
C1726 $3.55 2 oz. each
New Windshield Washer Pump Bellows
Pump rebuild kits have not been available for years and you had to replace the whole pump with the non-original C7890 pump. Now you can rebuild the old
pump with a new bellows. Includes detailed installation instructions. Also order valve assembly below.
C8962A 61-69 bellows $12.15 2 oz.
C588A 60-62 valve assembly $24.15 4 oz.
C588 63-69 valve assembly $24.15 4 oz.
Gas Tank Caps
We are reproducing all Corvair gas caps to appear more original than
previous options. The outside of the caps is an almost perfect copy of
the originals. The main difference is the venting inside some caps.
1960 Cars C4529 $16.15 6 oz.
61-64 Cars C446A $17.70 6 oz.
61-65 FC – primed C1012P $19.50 6 oz.
65-69 Cars C447B $19.60 6 oz.
Best Undercoating
Cal says this is the best spray undercoating he’s ever used.
Great to refresh old original undercoating, sticks great (as
long as old undercoating is not oily) and has the black color
& sheen. If using on bare or painted metal it sticks well & 3-4
coats start looking like the dealer undercoating. The 19 oz. can
goes a long way. Our other undercoating C1293 is browner/
black in color, does not stick as well to paint & does not build
up to look like dealer undercoating.
C875X $29.45 1 lb. 3 oz.
64 PG Generator Bolt
64 Powerglide equipped cars originally used a generator mount bolt with no
bushing. Check your generator mount bracket for the size of the bolt hole,
a 3/4" x 1” oval hole requires the rubber bushings, a 5/16” x 3/4” oval hole
does not. C4350P 64 PG, no bushings $2.00 2 oz.
C4350 60-64 w/ bushings $9.55 4 oz.
Permatex Ultra Slick
Engine assembly lubricant. Adheres to component surfaces to prevent scuffing
and galling during initial start-up. Very slick & sticky, use on engine bearings,
lifters, rocker arms, and gears. C6689A $9.85 5 oz.
65 Telescoping Column Steering Box
We added this part number for the 65 and possibly early 66 telescoping
steering wheel steering boxes with the slightly shorter shaft. If you have one that
needs to be rebuilt you can send it in for rebuilding. See page 408 in our Main
Catalog for steering box identification information.
C10867T $670.00 incl. $245.00 core 15 lbs.
FC Directional Cancelling Cam
Correct cancelling cam for the 64-65 FCs. Similar to the C9695 60-64 car
cancelling cam but it is a bit shorter.
C13397 $32.40 4 oz.
Oil Cap Repro
Oil cap for all Corvairs (except Wagon and FC)
looks very original. C444 $9.90 6 oz.
Positraction Plate Sets: C1245 – Back in Stock
1964 Front Grill Seconds – Complete Grill & Emblem: Some minor dings,
scratched paint or not masked perfectly: CX7290 $99.00
CORSA Tech Guide Vol. 4 (no CD): C4230X $27.00 1 lb.
Cal says that after 6 years, he may
finish in 2025!
4 i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kn own to th e Stat e of Cali forni a to caus e cance r or repr oduc tive har m. **For mor e infor mati on go to w ww.P65 Warning s.ca. gov** C4529 C446A C1012P C447B C444 PRICE DECREASE ON ALL NEW BRAKE SHOES Due to larger orders, all brake shoes have been decr eased by $10.00 and MUL TIKITS by $17-$20. 60-64 Car Front or Rear: C3639 61-65 FC Front or Rear: C3642 65-69 Car Front: C3640 65-69 Car Rear: C3641 (Price decrease does not apply to relined 1960-61 shoes) 61-65 FC and 65-69 Car turned brake drums now have NO CORE! All three part numbers now priced at $79.00 each with no core deposit. Brake drums are turned a maximum of .060", usually less is required. 61-65 FC Front or Rear: C8161 65-69 Car Front: C8162 65-69 Car Rear: C8166 Windshield W asher Nozzles IN STOCK Replace those corroded and clogged nozzles. Made just like the originals. 60-64 Car: sold each, 2 needed C7647 $10.60 2 oz. 65-69 Car: sold each, 2 needed C7648 $10.60 2 oz. Gasket for 60-69 nozzles C7245 $3.05 ea 1 oz. Set of 4 screws and 2 gask ets, 60-69 C7648G $6.50 2 oz. Set of 4 screws, 60-69: enough for both sides C7648X $1.70 1 oz. Windshield W asher Hose Clips These clips hold the windshield wa sher hose in place at the rear of the trunk. Originals tend to get lo st, break, or r ust awa y . Exact repros. 2-3 used. C1726 $3.55 2 oz. each New Windshield W asher Pump Bellows Pump rebuild kits have not been av ailable for years and you had to replace the whole pump with the non-original C7890 pump . Now y ou can rebuild the old pump with a new bellows. Includes detailed installation instruction s. Also order valve a ssembly below . C8962A 61-69 bellows $12.15 2 oz. C588A 60-62 val ve assembly $24.15 4 oz. C588 63-69 valv e assembly $24.15 4 oz. C7648 C1726 C8962A C7647 IN STOCK! Gas T ank Caps We are reproducing all Cor v air ga s caps to appear more original than previous options. The outside of the caps is an almo st perfect copy of the originals. The main difference is the venting inside some caps. 1960 Cars C4529 $16.15 6 oz. 61-64 Cars C446A $17.70 6 oz. 61-65 FC – primed C1012P $19.50 6 oz. 65-69 Cars C447B $19.60 6 oz. Best Undercoating Cal says this is the best spra y undercoating he’s ever used. Great to refr esh old original undercoating, sticks great (a s long as old undercoating is not oily) and ha s the black color & sheen. If using on bare or painted metal it sticks well & 3-4 coats start looking like the dealer undercoating. The 19 oz. can goes a long wa y. Our other undercoating C1293 is br owner/ black in color, does not stick as well to paint & does not build up to look like dealer undercoating. C875X $29.45 1 lb . 3 oz. 64 PG Generator Bolt 64 Pow erglide equipped car s originally used a g enerator mount bolt with no bushing. Check y our generator mount bracket for the size of the bolt hole, a 3/4" x 1” o val hole requir es the rubber bushings, a 5/16” x 3/4” ov al hole does not. C4350P 64 PG, no bushings $2.00 2 oz. C4350 60-64 w/ bushings $9.55 4 oz. Permatex Ultra Slick Engine as sembly lubricant. Adheres to component surfaces to prevent scuffing and galling during initial start-up. V er y slick & sticky , use on engine bearings, lifters, rocker arms, and gears. C6689A $9.85 5 oz. 65 T elescoping Column Steering Box We added this part number for the 65 and po ssibly early 66 telescoping steering wheel steering boxes with the slightly shorter shaft. If you have one that needs to be rebuilt you can send it in for rebuilding. See pag e 408 in our Main Catalog for steering box identification information. C10867T $670.00 incl. $245.00 core 15 lb s. FC Directional Cancelling Cam Correct cancelling cam for the 64-65 FCs. Similar to the C9695 60-64 car cancelling cam but it is a bit shorter. C13397 $32.40 4 oz. Oil Cap Repro Oil cap for all Corvairs (except W agon and FC) – looks very original. C444 $9.90 6 oz. Po sitraction Plate Sets: C1245 – Back in Stock 1964 Front Grill Seconds – Complete Grill & Emblem: Some minor dings, scratched paint or not masked perfectl y: CX7290 $99.00 CORSA Tech Guide Vol. 4 (no CD): C4230X $27.00 1 lb . Cal says that after 6 years, he may finish in 2025!
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