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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
1963-65 Mirror Bracket Kit
Less the gasket. CX9049 $2.50 4 oz.
Steel Muffler Straps: 60-63 Car
C15A 1-2 $1.95 3+ $1.65 ea. 8 oz.
1961-63 w/ AC Rebuilt Motor Mount
Rebuild from before we reproduced – no core needed. CX8056A $39.20 4 lbs.
FC BRA – Never Used
This seems to be a good
design but a few straps that
hold it on seem like they are
too short. You may have to
pop rivet longer metal straps.
We include "moleskin" to cover
them. There is mesh over the
front grill and license plate,
holes for wiper, washer nozzle
and antenna. Soft backed black vinyl, I just placed it on my rampside for the
photo, nothing was pulled tight. CX9241 $129 5 lbs.
NOS GM Pleasurizer Shocks: In original boxes.
CX6071A 61-65 Van Front – Pair $44.00 8 lbs.
CX7981A 61-65 FC Heavy Duty Front – Pair $44.00 8 lbs.
CX7597 60-64 Front Heavy Duty – Pair $39.00 8 lbs.
VW Ring Gear: 6 Volt (109 teeth). C5584 $12.80 2 lbs.
Reconditioned Exhaust Manifold: Includes studs & nuts.
1960-61 original style. LEFT SIDE: C10896 $14.80 8 lbs.
Pair of Matching U-Joints with Grease Fittings, Various Brands
U-Joint Pair Match: CX9251 $14.05 2 lbs.
TRW HD Tie Rod Sleeve with 2 Clamps & Bolts (1 set only)
CX9253 $12.15 1 lb. 6 oz.
Original Shop Manuals:
Shelf dust. Some slightly
used. 1967: CX8933 $2.55 1 lb.
And key chain – can be cut
on key machine. 1969 ignition: CX9333 $16.00 2 oz.
Racing Champion Corvair Models
All are new in unopened packaging.
Black 1960 CP CX9328 $16.00 1 lb.
Green 1960 CP CX9330 $17.00 1 lb.
Maroon 1960 CP CX9334 $17.00 1 lb.
Gold 24K 1960 CP CX9335 $16.00 1 lb.
1960 white CP racing champion "Sprint by Fitch" CX9329 $16.00 1 lb.
CX9335 CX9329
These can be quite difficult, check all the pipes before you
replace just one, even the turbo outlet pipe may require you to
remove the crossover & inlet on some years.
Back after 20 years!
“CORVAIR” Name stripes decal in black or white vinyl. 0.006” clear PVC film
with exterior grade adhesive. 3.5" x 94" with even stripes on either side of
CORVAIR to allow for easy centering. Both are the same, no left or right side.
Use on your car, trailer, in your garage or show decoration. Can be used at the
top of windshield but does not curve.
PAIRS White: C2817 $29.00 10 oz./pair
Black: C2818 $29.00 10 oz./pair
Used IECO Manifold and Carb Kits: We received these used kits
in a buyout. Kits include the carb, center manifold, and runners to the heads.
Everything appears to be in good used condition but some hardware and linkage
pieces are missing. Chrome on intake tubes is scratched and has some minor pit-
ting. See pictures on website Sale Items page. No guarantee on carb but it is not
frozen or badly corroded and seems to be a good core. One four-barrel kit with
Holley carb for a 140hp engine and one two-barrel kit with Rochester carb for two
carb engines. 2 Barrel Kit: CX9280 $200.00 4 Barrel Kit: CX9281 $300.00
Spray Can of Lubriplate: Multi-purpose grease. C541 $7.00
GM Spotlight Accessory: Black plastic spot light. Plugs into cigarette lighter.
GM but not original for Corvair. Possibly from the 70's. CX9370 $28.00
Aftermarket Crossover Pipes: We have a few older aftermarket repro-
duction crossover exhaust pipes for 65-69 (excl. 140hp). CX6905 $140.00
3-prong wheel cover spinner: Only one left – 2nd. C6563 $39.00
61-65 FC Fresh Air/Heater Control Cable: CX4049 $55.00
1966 Wood Wheel Horn Button: Slight pit in one area. 2nd repro.
CX7167 $70.00
Fender Skirts
60-64 4-Door No Clips: Set of 2 (some rust & grime).
CX6618 $70.00 5 lbs.
Note: 4 Door Fender Skirts Do NOT fit Wagons.
CX9280 CX9281
1960-62 Rocker Trim – NOS
See page 14
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 19 CX9049 1963- 65 Mirror Brac ket Kit Les s the ga sket. CX904 9 $2.50 4 oz. Steel Muf fler Straps: 60 -6 3 Car C15A 1- 2 $1.95 3+ $1 .65 ea. 8 oz. 1961 -6 3 w/ AC Rebuilt Motor Mount Rebuild f rom befo re we repr oduced – no c ore need ed. CX8056A $39.20 4 lb s. FC BRA – Never Used This s eems to be a g ood desig n but a few s traps t hat hold it on s eem like th ey are too sho rt. You may hav e to pop ri vet longer me tal st raps. We include "moleskin" to cover them. T here is me sh over the fron t grill and l icense pla te, holes f or wiper, washer no zzle and ante nna. Sof t backed blac k vinyl, I just pl aced it on my r ampside f or the photo, no thing was pulle d tight . CX9241 $129 5 lbs. NOS GM Plea surizer Shocks: In original boxes. CX6071A 61-65 V an Front – Pair $44.00 8 lbs. CX7981A 61-65 FC Heavy Duty Front – Pair $44.00 8 lbs. CX7597 60-64 Front Heavy Duty – Pair $39.00 8 lbs. VW Ring Gear: 6 Volt (1 0 9 teet h ). C5584 $ 12.80 2 lbs. Reconditioned Exhaust Manifold: Include s studs & nu ts. 1960- 61 original s tyle . LEF T SIDE: C108 96 $1 4.8 0 8 lbs. Pair of Matching U-Joints with Grease Fittings, Various Brands U-Joint Pair Match: CX9251 $14.05 2 lb s. TRW HD Tie Rod Sleeve with 2 Clamps & Bolts (1 set only) CX9253 $12.15 1 lb. 6 oz. Original Shop Manuals: Shelf dus t. Some s lightl y used. 1967: CX8933 $2.55 1 lb. GOLD KEY BLANKS: And key chain – can be cut on key machine. 1969 ignition: CX9333 $16.00 2 oz. CX9241 CX9333 Racing Champion Corvair Models All are new in unopened packaging. Black 1960 CP CX9328 $16.00 1 lb. Green 1960 CP CX9330 $17.00 1 lb. Maroon 1960 CP CX9334 $17.00 1 lb. Gold 24K 1960 CP CX9335 $16.00 1 lb. 1960 white CP racing champion "Sprint by Fitch" CX9329 $16.00 1 lb . CX9335 CX9329 REPLACING A TURBO EXHAUST? These can be quite difficult, check all the pipes before you replace just one, ev en the tur bo outlet pipe ma y r equire you to remove the cros sover & inlet on some y ears. LIMITED QUANTITIES!! DWG NAME STRIPES STRIPES Back after 20 years! “CORV AIR” Name stripes decal in black or white vin yl. 0.006” clear PVC film with exterior grade adhesiv e. 3.5" x 94" with even stripes on either side of CORV AIR to allow for easy centering. Both ar e the same, no left or right side. Use on your car , trailer, in your garag e or show decoration. Can be used at the top of windshield but does not curve. PAIRS White: C2817 $29.00 10 oz./pair Black: C2818 $29.00 10 oz./pair Used IECO Manif old and Car b Kits: We received these used kits in a buyout. Kits include the carb, center manifold, and runner s to the heads. Everything appears to be in good used condition but some hardware and linkage pieces are missing. Chrome on intake tubes is scratched and ha s some minor pit- ting. See pictures on web site Sale Items page. No guarantee on car b but it is not frozen or badly corroded and seems to be a good core. One four-barrel kit with Holley carb for a 140hp engine and one two-barrel kit with Rochester carb for two carb engines. 2 Barrel Kit: CX9280 $200.00 4 Barrel Kit: CX9281 $300.00 Spra y Can of Lubriplate: Multi-purpose g rease. C541 $7.00 GM Spotlight Accessor y: Black pla stic spot light. Plugs into cig ar ette lighter . GM but not original for Corvair. Possibl y from the 70's. CX9370 $28.00 Aftermark et Cros sover Pipes: We ha ve a few older aftermar ket repro- duction crossov er exhaust pipes for 65-69 (excl. 140hp). CX6905 $140.00 3-prong wheel cover spinner: Only one left – 2nd. C6563 $39.00 61-65 FC Fr esh Air/Heater Control Cable: CX4049 $55.00 1966 W ood Wheel Horn Button: Slight pit in one area. 2nd repro. CX7167 $70.00 Fender Skirts 60- 64 4- Door No Cl ips: Set of 2 (some r ust & gr ime). CX661 8 $70.00 5 lbs. Note: 4 Doo r Fender Ski rts Do N OT fit Wagons. CX9280 CX9281 1960-62 Rocker T rim – NOS See page 14
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Main Office Phone: 413.625.9776 Fax: 413.625.8498