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Discontinued When Gone

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First page of DWG section



Discontinued When Gone Consoles

These consoles are being discontinued but we have one of each left at a discounted price. 

C12718 60-64 Car Std Trans. Console Style #4 60-61 "HLA" Metallic Blue 

C12740 60-64 Car PG Trans. or All FC Console Style #3 64 "HE" Beige

C12764 65-69 Cars Console Style #5 68 "HG" Gold

64 Coupe Rear Seat 2nd

Complete rear seat (top and bottom) for a 64 Coupe in black vinyl. Perfect except the binding around the edges was made from late vinyl while the main parts of the seat are mad from early vinyl. 


FC Gas Tank 2nds

We have some FC gas tanks with minor shipping damage. They may have small dents, dings, scratches or other cosmetic damage. Still fully functional and won't normally be seen under the vehicle. 

63-65 FC with hole through tank for shifter CX9277

NOS Under-hood Light Kit

Early 70's style NOS Chevelle under-hood light kit. Similar to Corvair engine compartment light but not exact. 


NOS Floor Mat

NOS 1965 full width rubber floor mat in Aqua. Excellent condition. 


NOS A-arm

NOS 1963 front lower left A-arm. Includes ball joint, bushing, and stabilizer support. 


GM Spotlight Accessory

Black plastic spot light. Plugs into cigarette lighter. GM but not original for Corvair. Possibly from the 70's. 


65 Coupe Rear Seat 2nd

Complete rear seat cover (top and bottom) for a 65 coupe. Made from a mix of early and late grain black vinyl. Colors are a good match but grain is different. 


Aftermarket Crossover Pipes

We have a few older aftermarket reproduction crossover exhaust pipes for 65-69 (excl. 140hp). 


Old Clark Fan Belts

These are the older fan belts we offered for many years with 5 internal cords. The newest version of the fan belt was made with 6 internal cords and stronger wrapping for improved durability. These belts were sold for many years with good results and the remaining stock is being sold at a discount. 

Older style Clark belt CX9358

New, improved Clark belt C5790

Steering Box

This is an aftermarket new steering box like C13375. It has been installed but not driven on the road. Shows signs of installation but bascially new. Fits 60-63 and will fit 65-66 short shaft when used with C10011XA adapter. 


66-69 NOS Wheel Well Trim

We have a few sets of NOS wheel well trim for 66-69. Also fits 65 but different profile and all one piece instead of the 65 trim which is multiple pieces. 

Set of $ wheel well trim CX6934

1960 Monza Coupe Rear Seat 1/4 Panels

These are the rear "door panels" next to the rear seat. The pattern and fitment are for a 1960 Monza coupe but they are made from 1962-64 HLB blue vinyl. They are first quality but in a non-original color. The nail strips have already been installed. Sold as a pair. These panels are normally $142.70 each, plus the nail strip installation service. 

CX9274        $195.00/pair


Non-Original FC Headliners

We have some FC headliners made from a non-original material. They are a brighter white than the regular white material and the grain is slightly different. The color is the same as HW early white upholstery vinyl. Order SAMEU-HW to get a sample of the color. The grain will be close to the regular FC material. Order SAMV-VW to get a sample of the original FC white material. Limited quantities available. 

Rampside Headliner CX9272

Van Headliner CX9273

Horn Button Second

This is the same as the C8065 but it has a small pit or nick on the face. Not very noticable except at certain angles but also not first quality. 


Convertible Tops

We received a few tops from the supplier with incorrect interior colors. Normally our beige tops are tan inside but we received a few beige tops with black inside. We are selling these for $100 less than our regular beige tops!

CX9270    -same as C1902B 62-64 Beige top EXCEPT has black lining instead of tan

CX9271    -same as C1904B 65-69 Beige top EXCEPT has black lining instead of tan

Molded Carpet 2nd

We received a C9359NB navy blue 65-69 molded carpet that has the heel pad attached in the wrong location. The heel pad is about 2 1/2 further back than it should be. Otherwise the carpet is high quality. The heel pad is far enough back that the corner interferes with the floor shifter on manual transmission cars but should work fine for a Powerglide car. 

CX7506    $190


Sample of navy blue color SAMMCP-NB

NOS Intake Valve Sets

Set of 6 intake valves. Fits all engines except 140 horsepower. 


Lightly Used Sanden A/C Compressor

This A/C compressor is one of the SD5 models we sold before switching to the more efficient SD7 version. Lightly used but still in good condition. 


Cove Trim Seconds

We have a few 65-69 rear cove trim end pieces left from old reproduction runs that were not quite correct. 

Left End- Profile is not quite right but can be made to fit and look good    CX297A

Left End- Correct shape but some small spots have a "frosty" appearance    CX297X

Right End- Correct shape but some small spots have a "frosty" appearance    CX298X

Pictures below of some "frosty" spots. Not very noticeable from a distance. 

Corvair Style Book Seconds

We have a few copies of the Corvair Style book C9204A that have a printing defect on the cover causing white specks in the printing. The rest of the book is fine, but due to the problem with the cover we are selling these copies as seconds. Less than half the cost of the regular C9204A!

C9204X    $15.00

OT-50 Cams

These are brand new OT-50 series cams that we stopped carrying a few years ago. Only a couple left. Not suggested for street cars and usually only used on heavily modified engines for racing.  


Van Rear Door Threshold

NOS body panel that goes under the rear doors. 


Walker Brand Crossover Pipe

Excellent old stock crossover pipe. We have 1 in stock.

Approximately 15% off Clark repros.

1960-63 Cars    CX9352



Upholstery Set

This is a full set of seat covers for a 67 coupe (C6200) but it is made from 62-64 HLB Blue vinyl. First quality but non-original color. One set available.


See sample photos of vinyl on this page or request a free sample by ordering SAMEU-HLB

Oil Cap and Gas Cap Seconds

Some of our new reproduction oil caps and 1960 gas caps had some chipped plating on the edges. Still nice quality and better than an old rusty one. 

Second Quality Oil Cap C444F

Second Quality 1960 Gas Cap C4529X

Surplus Printers

Brand New (“older”) printers-we had stock piled new printers for our old DOS based computer system. These are brand new, in original boxes, but we removed ribbons or toner and used it so it would not go bad. We have priced these WAY BELOW what you might find on eBay, etc. The Epson printers are Dot Matrix Impact Printers, using continuous paper. The HP is a laser. These links will take you to the Craigslist page for photos & more info & pricing-you may just order from us. You need to do research to determine if these will work with your computer. Prices include shipping as far as Zone 3, further would be an extra $25. Shipping out of the country will be more.

Epson LQ-2090-narrow & wide paper                                             CX9205 $225

Epson FX890                                                                               CX9206 $190

HP 1102W-laser                                                                           CX9207 $75

Reproduction Wire Wheel Seconds

New but chrome peeled off center hub.  1 available.  CX8913

Battery Cable Ends

Cast bronze battery ends, set of 2.  Clamp style $5.95 C13419

Cast bronze battery ends, set of 2.  Nut and bolt style $2.00  C13421


65-68 Old Style Repro Clutch Cable - does not have coated nylon cable.   $35.00   CX260

Repro 4 Lug Wire Wheel Adaptor


Left:  C12555



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