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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
C4233A & C4233B
Repro Dipsticks – Fit all Corvairs
(Except Wagon & FC)
Reproduced very similar to originals, including rubber seal.
65-69 non-Corsa: Zinc finish brighter than original.
65-66 Corsa: Nice chrome plating, exact repro except originals had an orange
"plug"; ours are black. Either will fit all 60-69 cars except wagons & FC.
65-69 style C4252P $28.60 12 oz.
65-66 Corsa C4252C $32.10 12 oz.
Closing Tunnel Clips (photo to right)
Several tunnel clips have this type of closure. You need to push against
the hole as you squeeze the 2 "prongs". I've found small to medium needle
nose vise grips work the best.
Powerglide Cable Tunnel Clip: 3 used 60-64, 1 used 65-69
C3038 $4.90 Sold each 1 oz.
1960-64 Dash Tubes & Lenses (Exc. Spyder)
Directional & High BeamThe originals are cardboard with
plastic lenses attached. The tubes can "fall apart" and the lenses fade to
almost clear. These repros are plastic tubes with the colored lenses
assembled as part of the tubes. The directionals are green & the original
high beam is red but we are also offering the "modern" blue high beam.
2 Green directional & 1 red high beam C4233A $24.95 2 oz.
2 Green directional & 1 blue high beam C4233B $24.95 2 oz.
65-69 Cove Casting Retainers
All 65-69 cars have two "C" shaped cast pieces on either side of the tail lights. Monzas
and Corsas have polished trim over the cast pieces. These plastic wedges help hold those
cast pieces on the car. They slide over the stud on the back of the casting to give an even
surface for the nut to push against and allow the nut to clamp the casting to the body.
See page 303B in the Main Catalog for trim, seals and nuts. C4234A 1 oz.
1-3 = $7.70 ea. 4-7 = $7.10 ea. 8+ = $6.80 ea.
Delco Spring Ring Battery Cables
Replacement Positive Cable: Fits all cars but regulator wire is too long. CX9346 $56.90 2 lbs.
61-63 FC Replacement Positive Cable: Longer than factory cable. CX9347 $56.90 2 lbs.
1960-64 NOS 4-Door 1/4 Panels: CX6465 & CX6466 – NOS page 39
'60-'64 CP Door Skin: Some surface rust – Ieft front: CX6059 $315.00 35 lbs.
C4253A C4253A
C4252P C4252C
Closing Tunnel Clips
with vise grips
1960-62 500 & 700 NOS Corvair Stainless Rocker Trim
Will fit all 60-64 2 door, 4 door & wagon if not using factory trim.
Note: These are around 60 years old and even the “best” may have
minor blemishes. Being stainless they can usually be polished.
These are highly polished stainless steel approx. 2 3/4” x 76”.
These were graded by Cal Clark. 2nd Quality: These may have
scuff marks and need more buffing or some minor dings/dents.
Because these are mounted to the rocker panels, they “face”
somewhat downward, therefore any blemishes are less noticeable.
Most are nice overall.
Best quality with original hardware & instructions
CX703HD $189.00
Best quality with non-original hardware & instructions: These
are easily installed with non-original hardware. CX703X $17 9.00
2nds with non-original hardware & instructions: These are easily
installed with non-original hardware. CX2355 $109.00
2nds with non-original hardware & instructions: These are easily
installed with non-original hardware. These would qualify as best
quality but they need considerable buffing. CX2355B $99.00
All sets ship for approximately 12 pounds plus Additional Handling
surcharge due to the length.
Trunk Splatter Paint Spray Paint
Black/aqua or black/grey? We’ve always thought that most 67-69 had black/
aqua trunk paint but in checking more original cars it appears to us that most
had Black/grey as we have seen no trace of aqua.
We suggest the following for repainting your trunk. For gray/white use light
gray primer, for black/aqua or black/grey use a very dark gray or black primer.
The splatters from spray cans will not be as large as the factory but try
spraying from different distances. 3-5 cans usually needed. We have found
that spraying from about 15”-18” seems to give the best results.
Gray/white: C5469A sample: C398X
Black/aqua: C1238A sample: C1238X
Black/grey: C6526P sample: C6526X
Corvair Puzzle
1000-piece puzzle featuring a collage
of several Corvairs of various models.
19" x 26". C4260 $25.00 2 lbs.
Wiper Motor Ground Strap
This ground strap works on the 62-69
style wiper motors. It is riveted to the
gearbox housing and goes behind the
metal "washer" that goes through the
mounting grommet. Often damaged.
Attached with a small rivet or screw
and nut (not included). C10874 $7.00
AC Delco Multipurpose Spray Grease
11oz can: C541 $7.00
See top of page 7
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** C4233A & C4233B 14 Repro Dipsticks – Fit all Corvairs (Except Wagon & FC) Reproduced very similar to originals, including rubber seal. 65-69 non-Corsa: Zinc finish brighter than original. 65-66 Corsa: Nice chrome plating , exact r epro except originals had an orange "plug"; ours are black. Either will fit all 60-69 cars except wagons & FC. 65-69 style C4252P $28.60 12 oz. 65-66 Corsa C4252C $32.10 12 oz. Closing T unnel Clips (photo to right) Several tunnel clip s have this type of closure. You need to push ag ainst the hole as y ou squeeze the 2 "pr ongs". I've found small to medium needle nose vise grip s work the best. Powerglide Cable Tunnel Clip: 3 used 60-64, 1 used 65-69 C3038 $4.90 Sold each 1 oz. 1960-64 Dash T ubes & Lenses (Exc. Spyder) Directional & High Beam – The originals are cardboar d with plastic len ses attached. The tubes can "fall apart" and the lenses fade to almost clear . These repros are pla stic tubes with the color ed lenses as sembled as part of the tubes. The directionals are green & the original high beam is red but we are also offering the "modern" blue high beam. 2 Green dire ctional & 1 red high beam C4233A $24.95 2 oz. 2 Green dire ctional & 1 blue high beam C4233B $24.95 2 oz. 65-69 Cove Casting Retainers All 65-69 cars have two "C" shaped ca st pieces on either side of the tail lights. Monzas and Corsas hav e polished trim over the ca st pieces. These plastic w edges help hold those cast pieces on the car . They slide ov er the stud on the back of the casting to gi ve an even surface for the nut to push again st and allow the nut to clamp the ca sting to the body . See page 303B in the Main Catalog for trim, seals and nuts. C4234A 1 oz. 1-3 = $7.70 ea. 4-7 = $7.10 ea. 8+ = $6.80 ea. Delco Spring Ring Battery Cables Replacement Positive Cable: Fits all car s but regulator wire is too long. CX9346 $56.90 2 lbs. 61-63 FC Replacement Positive Cable: Longer than factory cable. CX9347 $56.90 2 lbs. 1960 -64 N OS 4-D oor 1/4 P anels: CX646 5 & CX6466 – NO S page 39 '60 -'64 CP Door Skin: Some su rfac e rust – I eft f ront: C X6059 $315.00 35 lbs. C4253A C4253A C4252P C4252C Closing Tunnel Clips with vise grips C3038 C4234A 1960-62 500 & 700 NOS Corvair Stainless Rocker T rim Will f it all 60- 64 2 door, 4 door & wago n if not using f actor y tr im. RARE AC CESSORY! AL L NOW AVAIL ABL E WITH H ARDWA RE AND INS TRUCT IONS. PL EA SE RE AD DESC RIPT IONS CA REFU LLY! Note: These a re around 6 0 years old an d even the “be st” may ha ve minor blem ishes. Be ing stainle ss th ey can usually b e polished. The se are high ly polished s tainle ss st eel approx . 2 3/ 4” x 76” . The se were g raded by Cal C lark. 2nd Quali ty: Th ese may have scuf f mark s and need mor e buf fing or som e minor dings/dents . Becau se thes e are mount ed to the r ocker pane ls, they “ face” somew hat downwar d, theref ore any blemi shes are le ss not iceable. Most a re nice over all. Best quality wi th original hardware & instr uctions CX703 HD $189 .00 Best quality wi th non-original hard ware & instructions: T hese are easily ins talled wit h non-orig inal hardware. CX70 3X $17 9 . 0 0 2nds with non- original hardware & instr uctions: The se are eas ily inst alled with non- original hardwar e. CX2355 $ 109. 00 2nds with non- original hardware & instr uctions: The se are eas ily inst alled with non- original hardwar e. These would quali fy as bes t quality bu t they need conside rable buf fing. CX2355B $9 9.00 All sets sh ip for appro ximately 12 poun ds plus Additio nal Handling surchar ge due to the le ngth. T runk Splatter Paint Spray Paint Black / aqua o r black/grey ? We’ve always t hought th at most 67-69 had blac k/ aqua tr unk paint but in c hecking mo re orig inal cars i t appear s to us that mo st had Black / g rey as we have s een no tr ace of aqua. SPLA TTER/SP ATTER P AINT We sugg est the f ollowing fo r repaint ing your tr unk. For gr ay/ white u se light gray p rimer, for black / aqua or black / grey u se a ver y dark gr ay or black pri mer. The sp latte rs fr om spray ca ns will not be as l arge as the f actor y but t ry spray ing from di ffer ent dist ances . 3-5 cans u sually neede d. We have found that s praying fr om about 15”- 18” s eems to g ive the be st res ults. Gray/w hite: C5469A sample: C398X Black/aqua: C1238A sample: C1238X Black/grey: C6526P sample: C6526X Corvair Puzzle 1000-piece puzzle featuring a collage of several Corvairs of various models. 19" x 26". C4260 $25.00 2 lb s. Wiper Motor Ground Strap This g round st rap wor ks on the 6 2-69 st yle wiper mo tors . It is rive ted to t he gearb ox housing and g oes behind t he met al "washer " that goe s throug h the mounting gr ommet. Of ten damaged. Att ached wi th a small r ivet or scr ew and nut (not includ ed). C1 08 74 $ 7. 0 0 C4260 AC Delco Multipurpose Spray Grease 11oz can: C541 $7.00 See top of page 7
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