NOS CATALOG is only available online at Corvair.com
WHY NOS? Some people restoring Corvairs want to keep them as original as possible. Others feel that they may do
better in shows with NOS parts.
ARE THEY BETTER? Some of the NOS parts are better than the repros, but some repros are better than NOS!
Other parts are only available as NOS, because they would be too expensive to reproduce. Do you want or need NOS?
Please read the following..........
PERFECT? Many people think that NOS parts will obviously be "PERFECT"! Chevy was not making these parts to
win concours, they were producing "acceptable" parts to make a prot. Most parts were made during the 60’s and
early 70’s and have often been stored in old warehouses, in or out of the original boxes. We try to inspect each part
and judge if it is normal NOS condition. Some parts, such as lenses, always have minor surface scratches from the
boxes. Check the beginning of each section for any general notes. You will note that in some cases we list "2nds".
"2nds": Parts that we do not think are "normal NOS condition" are referred to as "2nds". They will not be "junk"
but will have minor defects and probably not be acceptable for a show car.
EMBLEMS: Generally our repro emblems appear BETTER than NOS because they are buffed more before they are
plated. NOS paint may be slightly faded or not perfect. These conditions are "original" (unless obviously a reject).
CHROME TRIM: Generally Chevy chrome is good, but bumpers & some items could have been buffed more before
being plated & may have minor surface scuffs.
STAINLESS TRIM: Often the stainless trim will have minor scuff marks or ne scratches. We try to leave it in the
original paper or plastic wrapping but feel it is more important that we check for major scratches or dents. Trim will
seldom come with any attaching clips.
ALUMINUM TRIM: For the most part the repro trim is slightly "softer" but usually has as good or better nish than
the NOS. The NOS many have a slightly duller, more original looking nish and very slight ne scratches are considered
STEEL PARTS: Most mechanical parts had very little rust protection so light surface rust or discoloration is normal.
On parts that we feel are critical we may list the parts twice, "perfect" and "very light surface rust".
RUBBER PARTS: These tend to be a little stiff from age and may have a white coating, but will be usable.
PRICING: NOS parts are very difcult to price as they are becoming more difcult to nd and may be in very high
demand. We try to be fair and hold our NOS prices for 12 months but this will not always be possible. Please realize
that many of these parts may never be available again. Over the years we have reproduced many parts; we put as
much back into repros as we can.
IN STOCK? We usually average over 97% of our items in stock, but NOS is totally different! DO NOT throw out your
old part assuming we’ll have the NOS part you need.
NOS CATALOG is only available online at Corvair.com