WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the St ate of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
We offer 2 grades of weatherstrips for most applications. We’ve sold the “Repro” weatherstrips since 1980.
The “Exact Repros” are even better! Note: If possible, wait 2-3 weeks after painting a car before installing weatherstrips.
A – "Exact Repro Weatherstrips"
These are the best, most exact weatherstrips available. In most cases they include MOLDED ENDS, metal inserts, mitered corners, installed retainers, etc.
Only descriptions (#1–3) below apply. "EXACT REPROS" will be clearly indicated. If it doesn't say "Exact Repro" then it is just a "Repro”.
B – "Repro Weatherstrips" This includes all weatherstrips (NOT LISTED as "Exact Repro").
In most cases they are an exact cross section that fit and work well. All descriptions ( #1 - 6 below) may apply. We will gladly send free samples.
Our reproduction cross-sections are as close to the originals as possible. These are NOT universal weatherstrips. These are custom made for us
to Corvair specifications.
2 – "SKIN"
Original Corvair weatherstrips had a smooth, black outer layer “skin” and our Company matches this as closely as possible.
Our weatherstrips are just slightly denser than the original. This gives a slightly longer wearing weatherstrip and keeps the cost much less.
4 – "ENDS"
Some of the 1960-69 weatherstrips had "molded ends". These special ends were mainly to give a "finished off" look.
Unless it says EXACT REPRODUCTION you will have to do one of the following:
A. Glue to your original ends if they are good.
B. Leave as we supply.
C. Carve the end to mimic the original.
A few applications use 45° or 90° corners. You will have to cut and glue these corners.
See Glue below. (Does not appIy to EXACT REPRO).
We can now supply you with a 2-3" sample at no charge. See each section. (Does not apply to EXACT REPRO WEATHERSTRIPS).
Most weatherstrips are held in by one or a combination of these 3 ways:
1 – GLUE – See Below 2 – CLIPS – Listed with weatherstrips 3 - SLIDE or PRESS IN FIT
These weatherstrip glues have given the best results and we suggest you order them along with the weatherstrips so you will have the correct glue for your installation. Most
of our glue is Top Quality 3M BRAND. We suggest black for weatherstrips because if it oozes out it doesn't show up as much. Yellowish is for Iight colored tops. "Black Max"
is special for doors, joining weatherstrips and trouble areas. "Excellent" glue is nearly as good as "Black Max".
5 oz. TUBE BLACK – C4870 8 oz. 5 oz. TUBE YELLOWISH – C2007 8 oz.
Black SUPER Weatherstrip GLUE – This glue works like a contact cement and works great. Permatex Brand.
I like better than C4870. 5 oz. tube C4870R 8 oz.
BLACK MAX GLUE – This Loctite product is the best.
On rubber and most plastic, it is nearly as strong as vulcanizing (I glued a weatherstrip together and in 3 minutes, when I pulled, the weatherstrip ripped
before the glue gave!) Will also bond to most metals. ("Excellent" glue is almost as good.) 1 fl. oz. BLACK C7853 4 oz.
"EXCELLENT" GLUE – Suggested for door weatherstrips, joining corners, or butting weatherstrips or any rubber you want to stay stuck!
A must for corners or butting joints. The regular weatherstrip glue above will usually do to glue to the body, but if you have trouble with that, try this.
0.10 oz. C6040 1 oz. 1.0 oz. C7034 2 oz.
3M WEATHERSTRIP GLUE REMOVER – Now you can remove any extra glue without damage to fully dry/cured paint.
Good for removing some other adhesives too. Comes in a quart can. CANNOT ship via air. C12577 2 lbs.
CAULKING STRIPS – Great for sealing fresh air vents, headlight units to body, etc. Very sticky & softer than gray
"hardware store" strip caulking. Can be painted & has a shelf life of many years.
Box w/ 60 pieces 1/8" x 1/4" x 12" long – C3201 1 lb. Box w/ 20 Pieces – C3201X 6 oz.