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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
AC Water Transfer Decal
1961-65 AC "condenser removal" (4" x 2 1/4")
White print on clear background.
Note: We include instructions but water transfers
can be tricky, therefore we offer a discount if you
buy 2, in case your first try isn’t perfect.
Limit of 2 per order at the 2 price.
C13403 1 – 13.30 2 – $9.35 1 oz.
AC Caution Refrigerant
Fluid Warning Decal
Red print on clear self stick backing. C13404 $8.35 1 oz.
Ignition Switches
60-64 cars & FC, 65 FC & 65 cars. Includes new switch,
adaptor wires & instructions. Not original but can’t tell once
installed. 60-64 Cars & 61-64 FC: C2426A $69.15 10 oz.
1965 FC: C2427 $39.05 8 oz.
1965 Cars: C2428 $51.10 8 oz.
1960-64 Chrome Ignition Switch Bezel
C4231B $13.10 4 oz.
62-63 Sheet Metal Horn Shield: For behind headlight,
right side. CX9155 $75.00 5 lbs.
GAS HEATER GASKET: This gasket is inside the
trunk where the exhaust pipe exits to help seal around
the pipe. The originals were asbestos, these are very
high temp blackened fiberglass. C13411 $3.75 2 oz.
Cast Bronze Battery Ends
Sold as a pair. Note photo – these are only for cables
that end with an "eye" to go over the stud, under the
brass nut. The stud is 1/4", hardware stores usually
sell "eyes" or lugs that can be crimped or soldered
to cables. C13421 $2.00 8 oz.
1965-68 Clutch Cable
Older repro. Does not have nylon covering. CX260 $32.00 5 lbs.
RIVETS FOR C2562T installation: You get 3, 1 for practice. 62-64 Ct
vent window top rubber tip. C2562TR $1.25 1 oz.
We have 2 prototypes of each – usually first color samples or before minor
improvements in the ends – otherwise excellent. Colors are either "thin" or just
not correct shade. 1965 CX9196 $199.00 5 lbs.
1966-69 CX9197 $199.00 5 lbs.
Horn Contact Kit
We are now offering a new horn contact kit that fits
most Corvairs. Includes the spring plate, insulator
ring and insulator plate. The insulator plate is the
same as C3874 which has not been available new
for a long time. This kit should fit 60-66 except
telescoping columns and some 67-69 cars as well.
NOTE: C2020 Horn Contact NOT included.
C6709B $29.80 6 oz.
Improved Windshield Weatherstrip
1960-64 Cars with trim – both ends are now tapered inside to better
accept trim. C7811 $239.50 page 206
Cord 8/10 Control Arm Bolts: These bolts are for the bushings at the ends
of the Cord 8/10 upper A-arms. Does not fit regular Corvair. C4757F
Cord 8/10: We now have the front hub (less studs), Letter K on
page OTTO-42. C12412 $49.00
Cord 8/10 Front Direction O-Ring: These O-rings hold the amber
directional lens into the chrome housing on the Cord. C13422 $3.65
Cord 8/10 Short Tie Rod Ends: These will replace the short tie rod ends
but you may have to cut 1/2" off threaded end. C4593 1=$28.45 2+=$27.05
Cord Tie Rod Sleeves – Fit either side: C12522 $21.85
Cord Inner Tie Rod – longer – "bent" tie rod: C12377 $33.00
Cord Outer Tie Rod C12376 $30.95
Cord Suspension Nuts: These large fine-thread nuts go on the front of
the Cord 8/10 rear suspension frame. We have carried the C12504 coarse
threads but found that some Cords used a fine thread. See page OT-43 on
web site for diagram. C12504F $10.25 Set 2 Nuts and 2 LW 6 oz.
Cord 8/10 Headlight Electric Motors
Replace yours or have a spare. Transfer
removable gear from old motor.
CX9200: NEW headlight motor for left side (drivers)
CX9201: NEW headlight motor for right side (passengers)
CX9202: USED headlight motor for left side (drivers) Tested & working 
CX9203: USED headlight motor for right side (passengers) Tested & working
Tail & Backup Installation Kits – '60-'64
Now 1 part # will do all 4 units and save you $$
This part number gives you the installation items for C7554 and C7555 to do
2 tail lights and 2 backups. C4552 $72.40 1 lb.
PRICES – We are doing our best to control prices but we continue to get increases.
All prices subject to change without notice.
FC Rear Wheel Bearings
We are now out of stock of the repro 61-65 FC rear wheel bearings. We plan to
make more in the future but it may be a couple years before we are able to.
We are currently rebuilding used bearings. We clean and inspect used bearings
and use the best pieces to rebuild them. This is how rebuilt bearings were done
before reproductions were available.
C1188 61-65 FC Rebuilt Axle Bearing – Used Bearing
C9396X 61-65 FC Axle Shaft w/Used Rebuilt Bearing (C1188) Installed
C1112R 61-65 FC Axle Bearing Rebuild Kit – Less Bearing and Seals
C6687VPF 61-65 FC Reproduction Rear Axle Bearing – Notify for interest –
(we need to see interest before we can reproduce again).
NOS Style Front Spoiler – Repro 66-69
Also fits 65. Molded black ABS-formed just like the original, grain slightly different and slightly glossier. In stock. C8182 $85.85 6 lbs.
Top Boot Trim Snaps
If you have ordered C5725, C5722L, C12650 or C12651 top boot trim
snaps between 2015 and 2023 you should have received an email or letter
about a potential problem. Please check the snaps and contact us if you
need no-charge replacements.
We have sold out of the rear axle bearings. Last re-order number we got
was twice the number we ordered the first time – It will be 3-4 years
before we decide if we will re-order, if you want or will need rear axle
bearings please order this "info" part number: C6687VPF (We must see
enough interest!)
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 8 AC W ater T ransfer Decal 1961-65 A C "condenser removal" (4" x 2 1/4") White print on clear background. Note: W e include instructions but water tran sfer s can be tricky , therefore we offer a discount if you buy 2, in ca se your first tr y isn’t perfect. Limit of 2 per order at the 2 price. C13403 1 – 13.30 2 – $9.35 1 oz. AC Caution Refrigerant Fluid W arning Decal Red print on clear self stick backing. C13404 $8.35 1 oz. Ignition Switches 60-64 cars & FC, 65 FC & 65 cars. Includes new switch, adaptor wires & instructions. Not original but can’t tell once installed. 60-64 Cars & 61-64 FC: C2426A $6 9.15 10 oz. 1965 FC: C2427 $3 9.05 8 oz. 1965 Cars: C2428 $51 .10 8 oz. 1960-64 Chrome Ignition Switch Bezel C4231B $13.10 4 oz. 62-63 Sheet Metal Horn Shield: For behind headlight, right side. CX9155 $75.00 5 lb s. GAS HEA TER GASKET : This ga sket is in side the trunk where the exhaust pipe exits to help seal around the pipe. The originals were asbesto s, these are very high temp blackened fiberglas s. C13411 $3.75 2 oz. Cast Bronze Battery Ends Sold as a pair . Note photo – these are only for cables that end with an "ey e" to go ov er the stud, under the bras s nut. The stud is 1/4", hardware stores usually sell "ey es" or lugs that can be crimped or soldered to cables. C13421 $2.00 8 oz. 1965-68 Clutch Cable Older repro. Does not ha ve nylon covering. CX260 $32.00 5 lbs. RIVETS FOR C2562T installation: You g et 3, 1 for practice. 62-64 Ct vent window top rubber tip . C2562TR $1.25 1 oz. 1965 & 1966-69 FRONT GRILLS – PROTOTYPES We ha ve 2 prototypes of each – usually first color samples or befor e minor improvements in the ends – otherwise excellent. Color s are either "thin" or just not correct shade. 1965 CX9196 $199.00 5 lbs. 1966-69 CX9197 $199.00 5 lb s. Horn Contact Kit We are now of fer ing a new horn c ontac t kit tha t fit s most Cor vairs. Includes the spring plate, insulator ring and in sulator pla te. The ins ulator plat e is the same as C 387 4 whi ch has not bee n available new for a long t ime. This k it should f it 60- 66 excep t tele scoping c olumns and some 67-69 car s as well. NOTE: C2020 Hor n Contact NOT inc luded. C6709B $29. 80 6 oz. C4231B C13411 Improved Windshield W eathers trip 1960- 64 Car s with tr im – both end s are now tap ered ins ide to bet ter accept trim . C 7811 $239.50 page 206 CORD P ARTS Cord 8/10 Control Ar m Bolts: These bolts ar e for the bushings at the ends of the Cord 8/10 upper A-arms. Does not fit regular Cor vair . C4757F CX9213 Cord 8/10: W e now hav e the fr ont hub (less studs), Letter K on page OTT O-42. C12412 $49.00 Cord 8/10 F ront Dire ction O-Ring: These O-rings hold the amber directional lens into the chrome housing on the Cord. C13422 $3.65 Cord 8/10 Short Tie Rod Ends: These will replace the short tie rod ends but you ma y have to cut 1/2" off threaded end. C4593 1=$28.45 2+=$27.05 Cord T ie Rod Slee ves – Fit either side: C12522 $21.85 Cord Inner T ie Rod – longer – "bent" tie rod: C12377 $33.00 Cord Outer T ie Rod – C12376 $30.95 Cord Suspension Nuts: These larg e fine-thread nuts go on the front of the Cord 8/10 rear suspension frame. We hav e car ried the C12504 coarse threads but found that some Cords used a fine thr ead. See page OT-43 on web site for diagram. C12504F $10.25 Set 2 Nuts and 2 LW 6 oz. Cord 8/10 Headlight Electric Motors Replace yours or hav e a spare. Tran sfer removable gear from old motor . CX9200: NEW headlight motor for left side (driv er s)  CX9201: NEW headlight motor for right side (pa ssengers) CX9202: USED headlight motor for left side (drivers) Tested & working  CX9203: USED headlight motor for right side (pas sengers) T ested & working T ail & Backup Installation Kits – '60-'64 Now 1 part # will do all 4 units and save you $$ This part number gives y ou the installation item s for C7554 and C7555 to do 2 tail lights and 2 backups. C4552 $72.40 1 lb. PRICES – We are doing our best to control prices but we continue to get increases. All prices subject to change without notice. FC Rear Wheel Bearings We are now out of stock of the repro 61-65 FC rear wheel bearings. We plan to make more in the future but it may be a couple y ears before we are able to. We are currently rebuilding used bearings. We clean and in spect used bearings and use the best pieces to rebuild them. This is how rebuilt bearings were done before repr oduction s were av ailable. C1188 61-65 FC Rebuilt Axle Bearing – Used Bearing C9396X 61-65 FC Axle Shaft w/Used Rebuilt Bearing (C1188) Installed C1112R 61-65 FC Axle Bearing Rebuild Kit – Less Bearing and Seals C6687VPF 61-65 FC Reproduction Rear Axle Bearing – Notify for interest – (we need to see interest before we can reproduce again). NOS Style Front Spoiler – Repro 66-69 Also fits 65. Molded black ABS-formed just like the original, grain slightly different and slightly glossier . In stock. C8182 $85.85 6 lbs. C6709B T op Boot T rim Snaps If you ha ve ordered C5725, C5722L, C12650 or C12651 top boot trim snaps betw een 2015 and 2023 you should ha ve received an email or letter about a potential problem. Plea se check the snaps and contact us if you need no-charge replacements. FC OWNERS We have sold out of the r ear axle bearings. Last re-order number we got was twice the number we ordered the first time – It will be 3-4 years before we decide if we will re-order , if you want or will need rear axle bearings please order this "info" part number: C6687VPF (W e must see enough interest!)
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Main Office Phone: 413.625.9776 Fax: 413.625.8498