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Cast Bronze Battery Ends
Ends will fit most cables including braided – adjust them for
a tight fit on any terminal and the black & red levers give a
quick, no tool, release.
Sold as a set of 2. C13419 $5.25 8 oz.
Original A/C Compressor Mount Bushings
These bushings go into the brackets that bolt to the original
compressor and cushion the compressor. Not for repro
compressors and brackets. 3 needed, sold each. 61-67
C3146B $8.90/ea. 2 oz.
WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
We now have pans that are very similar to the originals. They have reinforcement ribs, oval holes, 2 drain depressions,
as close to original as possible. 2-3 can ship for the cost of one. 22 lbs. C133N 1=$120.75 ea. 2+=$114.75 ea.
Rebuilt Torque Converters
Our previous rebuilder could no longer rebuild Corvair converters. We have found a new shop with even better quality. Torque converters are cleaned, cut in
half, thoroughly inspected, all available wear parts are replaced, the halves and NEW ring gear are welded together on an automated welding machine for
perfect alignment, the unit is pressure tested to check for leaks and painted to prevent rusting. Old converters can build up sludge which throws off balance
and steel internal parts can rust and stick. Don’t trust old torque converters. SAVE YOUR "CLIP NUTS"
C9216 $669.50 incl. $315.00 core 25 lbs.
C9216HP High Stall $709.65 incl. $315.00 core 25 lbs.
on website
for more info and photos
We are reproducing the 60-63 front & rear and 64 front & rear brake drums to original specs. We have matched materials & design as closely as possible to
insure quality, originality & performance. New drums are always preferable over turned drums (see below). Like originals, these are balanced as needed.
NEW DRUMS – Sold each
1960-63 1964
C5132 $82.35 2+ $79.10 15 lbs. C5134 $94.40 2+ $90.85 15 lbs.
C5133 $85.40 2+ $82.00 15 lbs. C5135 $110.35 2+ $104.85 15 lbs.
60-63 Front 60-63 Rear 64 Front 64 Rear
Turned drums have less material for heat sink
Turned drums may be distorted
Turned drums have 50+ years of material heat cycles
Current new shoes do not make full contact. From the 30's-60's oversized shoes were available for use with turned drums
for better contact pattern with enlarged inside diameter.
Turned drums require core fees & return shipping
NEW drums give better braking. Most owners have no need for disc brakes on Corvairs – just be sure your whole system is in
good condition and give your new shoes & drums a few hundred miles to fully seat.
For years, turned brake drums were about all we had, but new drums do have advantages over turned drums.
Early A/C Grommet
Where steel tube comes out of the
evaporator case. Notes: 1/4” shorter,
the factory used clay sealer & you will
need to also. Not exact but better than
brittle, broken original.
C4237A $8.00 2 oz.
Need to sell your Corvair or a spare Corvair you just don’t have
time for? From now on, we will list it on our website at NO
CHARGE – Check website for our ad requirements.
FREE CATALOG with an Order
If you have not received a free 2019-2025 catalog,
just ask on your next order.
Cast Bronze Battery Ends Ends will fit most cables including braided – adjust them for a tight fit on any terminal and the black & red levers giv e a quick, no tool, release. Sold as a set of 2. C13419 $5.25 8 oz. Original A/C Compressor Mount Bushings These bushings go into the brackets that bolt to the original compressor and cushion the compressor. Not for repr o compressors and brackets. 3 needed, sold each. 61-67 C3146B $8.90/ea. 2 oz. C13419 C3146B i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kn own to th e Stat e of Cali forni a to caus e cance r or repr oduc tive har m. **For mor e infor mati on go to w ww.P65 Warning s.ca. gov** 6 C133N IMPROVED 65-69 L ON G TUNNEL P AN We no w have pans that are very similar to the originals. They have reinforcement ribs, oval holes, 2 drain depression s, as clo se to original as possible. 2-3 can ship for the cost of one. 22 lbs. C133N 1=$120.75 ea. 2+=$114.75 ea. Rebuilt T orque Converters Our pre vious rebu ilder could no lo nger rebuil d Cor vair conver ter s. We have found a ne w shop wit h even bet ter qualit y. T orque c onver ters ar e cleaned, cu t in half, thor oughly in spect ed, all available wea r part s are re placed, the h alves and NE W ring gear ar e welded t ogether o n an automat ed welding machi ne for per fect al ignment, t he unit is pr essur e tes ted to che ck for leak s and painte d to preven t rust ing. Old co nvert ers c an build up sludge wh ich throw s off ba lance and ste el inter nal par ts can r ust and s tick. Do n’t trus t old tor que conver ter s. SAVE YOUR "C LIP NUT S" C9216 $669.50 incl. $315.00 core 25 lbs. C9216HP High Stall $709.65 incl. $315.00 core 25 lbs. SEE CLARK R EBUILDS on website for more info and photos NEW 60-64 BRAKE DRUMS We are reproducing the 60-63 front & rear and 64 fr ont & rear brake drums to original specs. W e have matched materials & desig n as clo sely as po ssible to insure quality , originality & performance. New dr um s are always preferable ov er turned drums (see below). Like originals, these are balanced as needed. NEW DRUMS – Sold each 1960 - 63 1964 FRONT C5132 $82.35 2+ $79.10 15 lbs. C5134 $94.40 2+ $90.85 15 lbs. REAR C5133 $85.40 2+ $82.00 15 lbs. C5135 $110.35 2+ $104.85 15 lbs. 60-63 Front 60-63 Rear 64 Front 64 Rear 1 T urned drums have les s material for heat sink 2 T urned drums may be distorted 3 T urned drums have 50+ y ear s of material heat cy cles 4 Current new shoes do not make full contact. Fr om the 30's-60's oversized shoes were av ailable for use with turned drums for better contact pattern with enlarged inside diameter . 5 T urned drums require cor e fees & return shipping 6 NE W dr um s give better braking. Most owners hav e no need for disc brakes on Corvairs – just be sure your whole system is in good condition and give y our new shoes & drums a few hundred miles to fully seat. TURNED BRAKE DRUMS? For years, tur ned brake drums w er e about all we had, but new drums do have ad vantages over turned drums. IN STOCK! Early A/C Grommet Where steel tube comes out of the evaporator ca se. Notes: 1/4” shor ter, the factory used clay sealer & you will need to also. Not exact but better than brittle, broken original. C4237A $8.0 0 2 oz. C4237A LIST YOUR CORV AIR FOR SALE – NO CHARGE Need to sell your Corvair or a spare Corvair you just don’t have time for? From now on, we will list it on our website at NO CHARGE – Check website for our ad requirements. FREE CA T ALOG with an Order If you have not received a free 2019-2025 catalog, just ask on your next order .
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