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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
61-64 Heater Fan Switch
NOTE: This is exact for 61-64 Cars & 61-65 FC except the end that
holds the knob on is a little small. Use epoxy to attach.
$4.90 8 oz.
1960-61 Non-GM Distrib. Vacuum Advance
Standard or PG CX6729 $34.00 8 oz.
FC Steering Arm Removal Fork Bar: C5367 $4.00 4 lbs.
2ND Dome Light Base
Same as C88R but chrome not perfect. CX3282 $4.20 6 oz.
2ND The Corvair Decade Book: Slight damage, scuffs, faint
water damage on cover. CX7775 $25.00 2 lbs.
Moog 60-64 Idler Arm: (Looks Identical to Original GM – No
Grease Fitting) CX9260 $34.00 3 lbs.
TRW Ball Joints: Lower (1) CX9256 $28.80 1 lb.
if you have some of our repro wire wheels you may want to consider some of
these remaining parts. DO NOT FIT ORIGINAL.
(1) Wire wheel: New, but chrome peeled off center hub
(piece about 1” x 2”), wheel only. CX8913 $39.00 ea. 28 lbs.
(1) Single right side, 5 lug adaptor C12556L $29.00 5 lbs.
Spare tire hold down bolt for 61-64 original & Clark repro wire wheels,
excellent repr o. C12695 $14.00 10 oz.
PLEASE NOTE: if you use antiseize on bolts & nuts, you should decrease the
maximum torque by 20-30% or risk stressing or damaging the fasteners.
Machined aluminum, finished in clear or black anodize with a 3 speed
pattern engraved on the top. Pattern is painted black on clear; white
paint on black for contrast. Largest diameter approximately 1 7/8" x
approximately 2" high.
All 6 oz. FC
3 speed clear C6693CF $7.00
3 speed black C6693F $7.0 0
Bumper Guard Clamps – 1965-69 – REAR
Not exact – but do work – fits rear. 1 used per guard. C11176 $1.60 ea. 2 oz.
Bumper Guard Clamps – 1965-69 – FRONT: Not exact – but do work – fits
front. 1 used per guard. Bolts NOT included. C11175 $1.60 ea. 2 oz.
Car "NOS" Body Panels – Complete or PARTIALS
These are GM steel panels but with these problems. Save up to 50% on "NOS" body panels cut, not complete.
1962-64 Front Inner Right Wheel Well: May vary slightly for some years.
CX8011 $14.80 30 lbs. (due to size)
Front Panel – From the bumper to trunk weatherstrip (bottom cut off). 1960: CX9321 $25.00 30 lbs. due to size
Left Fender – Complete rear portion, 1960-64 – Cut 4" in front of gas filler hole. CX9325 $125.00 30 lbs. due to size
Aftermarket Sheetmetal: All are STEEL. Most will have some surface rust & a few minor dents.
60-64 CP & CT: Right rear fender – partial from tail lights along belt line to a little past center of wheel opening. CX8974 $25.60 20 lbs.
60-64 Top of Front Fender – 2nd: Rear half of the left front fender (like C1511, page 187); rusty, some pitting. CX7879
$14.80 24 lbs.
60-64 Top Rear 2/3 of Front Fender: Replacement patch panel that stops about 15" from front (similar to sketch at top of catalog pg. 188).
Right: CX1015 $19.00 8 lbs. Left (includes gas filler): CX1014 $6.40 8 lbs.
1960-64 4-DR Rear Fender Panels: Can be cut down for 2 Dr & wagons. These are same as C1528, C1529 (pg. 188) but these were primed and have
minor rust. Right: CX9236 $127.35 30 lbs.
60-64 Rear Fender: Aftermarket. Bottom 4-5” cut off. CX9279 $89.00
60-64 Right Front Fender Cap: Rusty. CX7638 $99.00
60-64 Left Front Fender Cap: Rusty. CX7639 $89.00
60-64 Repro Rear of Front Left Fender – 2nd: Sandblasted and has dent. CX8922 $126.70
Aftermarket Steel 60-64 Front Fender Caps Right: CX7638 Left: CX7639 $89.00
Aftermarket Body Panels: Total light surface rust – for 60-64 cars. Some of these panels may no longer be available as
the company is unsure they will stay in business.
4-Door Rear Fender – Left: CX9326 $100.00 70 lbs. 4-Door Rear Fender – Right CX9327 $100.00 70 lbs.
Complete Top of Left Fender: CX9324 $60.00 40 lbs.
1/4 Panels for CP or CT: Similar to C1512 but smaller – overall size approx. 24" x 26" Right C1523X $139.00 20 lbs.
Previous "old" 62-64 Convt Roof Rail Weatherstrip Sets
Discounted = CX8492 $275.00
Part numbers in catalog C8492 will give newly improved
sets which will also be in all weatherstrip kits.
64 Front Repro "Grille Bar" with Insert – 2nd: Has minor imperfections and scratches.
CX7946 $59.00
Sanden SD5 A/C Compressor: Slightly used. CX8103X $45.55
64-69 Total Seal Chrome Ring Set +40: CX9021 $49.00
New Clark Repro 61-69 Gas Tank with a Couple Small Dents – 2nd: CX9238 $110
FC gas tank with hole – 2nd: Has shipping damage, small dents/gouges. CX9277 $199
65-69 Moog Full Tie Rod Set: Includes inner/outer tie rods, sleeves and clamps. Does
not include bolts (C2147). CX9240 $89.60
Exhaust Valve .003 Oversize Stem: 60-69 except 140 & turbo. CX9248 $9.00
Set of 6 Turbo Exhaust Valves: Standard size. Original for turbo engines but will fit all
engines except 140hp. CX9247 $69.75
60-63/65-66 Short Shaft Steering Box: Has been installed but appears like new.
CX9275 Aftermarket: C13375 Adapter needed for 65-66 short shaft: C10011XA
65-69 Repro Left Front Directional Housing – 2nd: Has minor pitting. CX9359 $24
New OTTO Cam Series OT-50: CX9362 $249.00
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 20 61-64 Heater Fan Switch NOT E: This is e xact for 61-6 4 Cars & 61-65 F C except th e end that holds t he knob on is a li ttle s mall. Use epox y to at tach. CX 1104 X $4.90 8 oz. 1960-61 Non-GM Distrib. V acuum Advance EXC ELLE NT QUALI TY — $ $ SAVER Sta ndard or PG CX6 729 $34. 00 8 oz. FC Steering Arm Removal Fork Bar: C 5367 $4.00 4 lbs . 2ND Dome Light Base Same as C88R but chrome not perfect. CX3282 $4 . 20 6 oz. 2ND The Corvair Decade Book: Slight damage, scuffs, faint water damage on cov er. CX777 5 $25.0 0 2 lbs. Moog 60-64 Idler Arm: (Looks Identical to Original GM – No Grease Fitting) CX9260 $34.00 3 lbs. TRW Ball Joints: Low er (1) CX9256 $28.80 1 lb. REPRO WIRE WHEEL P ARTS – ALL WE HAVE LEFT! if you have s ome of our repr o wire wh eels you may want t o conside r some of the se remaining p art s. DO NOT F IT ORIGI NAL. (1 ) Wir e wheel: New, but ch rome peel ed off c enter hub (pie ce about 1” x 2”), wheel onl y . C X891 3 $39.00 ea. 28 lbs . (1 ) Sing le right s ide, 5 lug adaptor C1255 6L $29.00 5 lb s. Spare t ire hold dow n bolt for 61-64 or iginal & Clar k repro w ire wheels , excellent repr o. C12695 $1 4.00 10 oz. ANTISEIZE / LUBRICANTS / F ASTENERS PLEASE NOTE: if you use antiseize on bolts & nuts, you should decrease the maximum torque by 20-30% or risk stressing or damaging the fasteners. ! CUSTOM KNOBS FOR FCs Machine d aluminum, finis hed in clear or b lack anodize w ith a 3 spe ed pat tern eng raved on t he top. Pat ter n is painted b lack on clear ; white paint on bla ck for cont ras t. Lar gest diame ter appr oximate ly 1 7 /8" x approx imatel y 2" high. All 6 oz . FC 3 speed clear C6693CF $ 7. 0 0 3 speed black C6693F $ 7.0 0 Bumper Guard Clamps – 1965-69 – REAR Not exact – but do work – fits rear. 1 used per guar d. C11176 $1.60 ea. 2 oz. Bumper Guard Clamps – 1965-69 – FRONT : Not exact – but do work – fits front. 1 used per guard. Bolts NOT included. C11175 $1.60 ea. 2 oz. LIMITED QUANTITIES!! DWG Car "NOS" Body Panels – Complete or P ART IALS Thes e are GM ste el panels but w ith the se proble ms. Save up to 5 0% on "NOS" bod y panels cut , not comple te. 1962-6 4 Front Inn er Right Wh eel Well: May var y sligh tly for s ome years . CX 8011 $14.80 30 lbs. (due to siz e ) Front Panel – From th e bumper to t runk weat hers trip (bot tom cu t off ). 1960: CX9 321 $25.00 30 l bs. due to si ze Left Fender – Com plete re ar por tion, 1960- 64 – Cut 4" in fr ont of gas f iller hole. CX9325 $125.00 30 lbs. due t o size — PHOTO S ON WEBSIT E — — PHOTO S ON WEBSIT E — Aftermarket Sheetmetal : All are ST EEL. Most will ha ve some surface rust & a few minor dents. 60- 64 CP & C T: Right rear fe nder – par tial fr om tail lig hts along b elt line to a li ttle p ast cen ter of whee l opening. CX 89 74 $25.60 20 lbs. 60- 64 Top of Fron t Fender – 2nd: Re ar half of the le ft f ront fend er (like C15 11, page 187); rusty, some pi tti ng. CX7879 $14.80 24 lbs. 60- 64 Top Rear 2/3 of Front F ender: Rep lacement pa tch panel t hat stop s about 15" from f ront (similar to s ketch at t op of cat alog pg. 188). Right: CX101 5 $19 .0 0 8 lbs. Left (inc ludes ga s filler): CX 1014 $6.40 8 lb s. 1960-64 4-DR Rear Fender P anels: Can be cut down for 2 Dr & wagon s. These are same a s C1528, C1529 (pg. 188) but these w ere primed and have minor rust. Right: CX9236 $127.35 30 lbs. 60-64 Rear Fender: Aftermarket. Bottom 4-5” cut off. CX9279 $89.00 60-64 Right Front F ender Cap: Rusty. CX7638 $99.00 60-64 Left Front F ender Cap: Rusty. CX7639 $89.00 60-64 Repro Rear of Fr ont Left Fender – 2nd: Sandblasted and has dent. CX8922 $126.70 Aftermarket Steel 60-64 Front Fender Caps Right: CX7638 Left: CX7639 $89.00 Aftermarket Body Panels: Total light surface rust – for 60-64 cars. Some of these panels ma y no longer be av ailable as the company is un sur e they will sta y in business. 4 -Doo r Rear Fender – L eft: CX9326 $1 0 0.00 70 lbs. 4 -Door R ear Fender – Ri ght CX9327 $1 00.00 70 lbs. C omplete Top of Left Fender: CX9324 $60.00 40 lb s. 1/ 4 Pa nels for CP o r CT: Similar to C1512 but smaller – o verall siz e approx. 24" x 26" Rig ht C1523X $139.00 20 lbs. — PHOTO S ON WEBSIT E — Previous "old" 62-64 Convt Roof Rail W eatherstrip Sets Discounted = CX8492 $275.00 Part numbers in catalog C8492 will give newly improved sets which will also be in all weatherstrip kits. 64 Front Repr o "Grille Bar" with Insert – 2nd: Has minor imperfections and scratches. CX7946 $59.00 Sanden SD5 A/C Compr essor: Slightly used. CX8103X $45.55 64-69 T otal Seal Chrome Ring Set +40: CX9021 $49.00 New Clark Repro 61-69 Gas Tank with a Couple Small Dents – 2nd: CX9238 $110 FC gas tank with hole – 2nd: Ha s shipping damage, small dents/g ouges. CX9277 $199 65-69 Moog Full Tie Rod Set: Includes inner/outer tie rods, slee ves and clamps. Does not include bolts (C2147). CX9240 $89.60 Exhaust V alv e .003 Oversize Stem: 60-69 except 140 & turbo. CX9248 $9.00 Set of 6 T urbo Exhaust Valves: Standard size. Original for turbo engines but will fit all engines except 140hp. CX9247 $69.75 60-63/65-66 Short Shaft Steering Box: Has been in stalled but appear s like new . CX9275 Aftermarket: C13375 Adapter needed for 65-66 short shaft: C10011XA 65-69 Repro Left Fr ont Directional Housing – 2nd: Has minor pitting. CX9359 $24 New O TTO Cam Series O T-50: CX9362 $249.00
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