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1960 - 1962 Models
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The Jade Express ISCA show truck from the mid 70's is offered for sale

condition is excellent. Runs and drives as it should and shows as good

as it did back in the day gets the most attention at any event. was always 

a west coast truck now located in SE Pa.

Contact John milputt@rcn.com for all information. 610-749-2011

$28,500 OBO


61 Rampside for sale, has a fresh rebuilt spyder engine and transmission $11,000 or Best Offer. Spare engine and transmission included.

Chad @ (931)581-7708


For Sale, 1962 rampside (w/t 110hp 65 car engine & Powerglide). Truck engine block included. ~15yr old restoration w/ many Clarks parts both interior (upholstery and rugs) and mechanical (VITON o-rings & Silicon Spark Plug Wires). Truck was a daily driver until my father stopped driving altogether. Gas has gone bad and will need a complete fuel system flush and one of the breaks is pulling. California vehicle! 20095 showing on the odometer. Overall a great west coast Rampside ready to go w/ clean title. Offered at $14k. 



B Body (dents, rust, glass, floor, etc.)   PERF Perfect G Good
M Mechanical (suspension, engine, trans, etc)   EX Excellent F Fair
I Interior (upholstery, carpets, door panels, etc.)   VG Very Good P Poor
OA Overall (consider the whole car)    

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