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WARNING: Products on this page can expose you to a chemical, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm. **For more information go to ww w.P65Warnings.ca.gov**
2nds 2nds 2nds
Because we produce 1000's of items and have such strict quality control, we have some 2nds at the end of each year.
All of the items on this page are 2nds with slight defects, wrinkles or were the result of sewing training. Minor unless otherwise noted. Sold on a first come basis.
Upholstery — 2nds 2nds 2nds
May have extra needle holes, small "pinched" area, pleated piece not perfect,
or color match off. The number in ( ) is the QUANTIT Y we have.
"C" = COMPLETE top & bottom "T" = TOP only "B" = BOTTOM only
(1) 1964 BUCKET "T" (HA-saddle) CX8502 $55.00 4 lbs.
(1) 1965 BUCKET "T" (HL-blue) CX9208 $55.00 4 lbs.
(1) 1965 BUCKET "T" (HR-red) CX9344 $55.00 4 lbs.
(1) 1966 BUCKET "C" (H T-fawn) CX9209 $55.00 4 lbs.
(1) 1968 BUCKET "C" (HG-ivory gold) – driver side CX9190 $65.00 8 lbs.
1965 Convertible Rear Seat Complete: (HL-met blue) CX9361 $60.00
1965 Monza Coupe Rear Seat Complete: Mix of early and late black vinyl.
CX9276 $100.00
1965 "HA" Saddle Console: 65-69 cars #5 style. Top cover stitching is tight
and close to edge. CX9319 $121.00
Rampside/Loadside Headliner: C10783 but brighter white. CX9272 $119.00
Van headliner: C10784 but brighter white. CX9273 $273.00
1960 Monza Rear 1/4 Panel Pair with Nailstrips Installed: 1st quality but
made with 62-64 HLB blue. CX9274 $175.00
1964 Monza Front Door Panel (Coupe or Convertible): (HW-white)
Left: CX9187 $70.00
1962-64 Beige Convertible Top with Black Lining instead of normal beige
lining. CX9270 $499.00
1965-69 Beige Convertible Top with Black Lining instead of normal beige
lining. CX9271 $499.00
Molded Fender Insulation — 2nds
Set of left and right molded fender insulation – may have creases on surface
– just not perfect CX8206 $56.95 52 lbs. (due to size)
Due to constant and drastically changing prices due to COVID, we are not printing a price list in the
supplement this year. Our website always has the most up-to-date prices easily available by entering the part
number in the search bar on the upper right of the home page or click on "Order Parts – Get Prices".
GM Ball Joints
GM Ball joints during the 60s were not of the greatest quality. We've seen ones
sealed in boxes with 1/16" of play. If your Corvair still has the original ball
joints, please consider replacing or at least check carefully.
There are monthly zoom meetings only accessible by Corsa members & also
viewable as a video if you miss it live. Cal Clark gave a 1 hr zoom meeting
Feb 17, 2023, that you may enjoy.
New to Corvairs? Been a while
since you've been a member of
the Corvair Society of America?
Find us at corvair.org
All New Events and Corvair Information
Access to monthly Members Only virtual events
New tech publications and YouTube videos
Expanded tech info and Corvair photos in the
monthly publication: Corsa Communique
Padded Dash — 2nds 2nds 2nds
60-62 Bright Red (PRB) CX9349 $170.00 30 lbs. dimensional
Carpet — 2nds 2nds 2nds
Bad stitches or poor heel pads, wrinkles.
65-69 Molded carpet: Color NB navy blue. Heel pad placement is off.
CX7506 $190.00
62-64 Convertible carpet: Front section only. EE Maroon/Dark Red.
CX9379 $65.00
Ct Top Boots — 2nds
62 Red (HRA) CX9343 $159.00 10 lbs.
1965-69 Black (HB) CX6640 $159.00 10 lbs.
Summer 2024 visit from Matt & Jaymie of Matt’s Off Road Recovery
Due to recent changes in the laws, Clark's Corvair Parts is
required by law to collect sales tax in the following states:
VA, WA, WI. Sales tax rates are determined by local and
state jurisdictions and will be added to your order. Our
website will show a sales tax notice but the sales tax will not
be added until we process the order in-house. A few other
states may be added if and when we reach their minimum
threshold for paying sales tax.
NOS Parts In Stock List on website
updated March 2025
i WARNING: Prod ucts o n this pa ge can ex pose y ou to a chem ical, wh ich is kno wn to th e Stat e of Cali fornia t o caus e cance r or repr oduct ive har m. **For mor e infor matio n go to ww w.P65Wa rning s.ca.g ov** 2nds 2nds 2nds Beca use we pr oduce 1000's o f items a nd have such s tric t qualit y cont rol, we hav e some 2nds at t he end of ea ch year. All of t he items o n this page ar e 2nds wi th slig ht defec ts, w rinkle s or were t he res ult of sew ing tra ining. Mino r unles s other wis e noted. S old on a fir st co me basis . Upholstery — 2nds 2nds 2nds UPHOLSTERY May have ex tr a needle h oles, sma ll "pinche d" area, ple ated pie ce not pe rfe ct, or colo r match o ff. The n umber in ( ) is t he QUAN TIT Y we hav e. "C" = CO MPLE TE top & bo ttom " T" = TOP o nly "B" = BO TT OM only (1) 196 4 BUCKE T "T " (HA-saddle) CX8502 $55.00 4 lb s. (1) 196 5 BUCKE T "T " (H L- bl u e) CX9208 $55.0 0 4 lb s. (1) 196 5 BUCKE T "T " (HR-re d) CX9344 $55.0 0 4 lb s. (1) 196 6 BUCKE T "C" (H T- f awn) CX9209 $55.00 4 lbs. (1) 196 8 BUCKE T "C" (HG -ivor y gold) – dr iver si de CX919 0 $65.0 0 8 lbs. 1965 Convertible Rear Seat Complete: (HL-met blue) CX9 361 $60. 00 1965 Mo nza Coup e Rear Seat C omplet e: Mix of ear ly and lat e black vi nyl. CX9 276 $1 00.00 CONSOLE 1965 "H A" Saddle Co nsole: 65 -69 c ars #5 s tyle. Top c over st itching i s tigh t and clo se to edg e. CX9 319 $1 21.0 0 HEADLINERS Rampside/Loadside Headliner: C1 0783 b ut brig hter wh ite. CX9272 $ 119. 00 Van headliner: C10 78 4 but bri ghter w hite. CX 9273 $273.00 DOOR P ANELS 1960 Mo nza Rear 1/4 Panel Pai r with Nail strip s Instal led: 1st qual ity bu t made wi th 62-6 4 HLB blue. CX 9 274 $ 17 5. 0 0 1964 Mo nza Fron t Door Pan el (Coupe or C onvert ible): (H W-w hi te) Lef t: CX 9187 $70 .00 CONVERTIBLE TOPS 1962-6 4 Beige C onver tible Top wi th Black L ining ins tead of no rmal beig e lining. CX9270 $ 499.0 0 1965 -69 Bei ge Conver tibl e Top with Blac k Lining in stead o f normal b eige lining. C X9271 $ 499.0 0 Molded Fender Insulation — 2nds Set of le ft and ri ght mold ed fende r insulat ion – may have cr ease s on sur face – just n ot per fect CX 8206 $56.95 52 lb s. (due to siz e) CLARK TOPS INCLUDE THE BLACK PL ASTIC RAIN DEFLECTORS ON THE REAR WINDOW AND THE FRONT BOW SEALING PROJECTIONS WRAPPED AND SEWN WITH TOP MATERIAL. NO PRICE LIST FOR 2025 Due to constant and drastically changing prices due to COVID, we are not printing a price list in the supplement this year . Our website always has the most up-to-date prices easily available by entering the part number in the search bar on the upper right of the home page or click on "Order Parts – Get Prices" . GM Ball Joints GM Ball joints during the 60s were not of the greatest quality . We've seen ones sealed in boxes with 1/16" of play . If your Corvair still ha s the original ball joints, plea se consider replacing or at least check carefully . 21 There are monthly zoom meetings only accessible by Corsa members & also viewable as a video if you miss it live. Cal Clark gave a 1 hr zoom meeting Feb 17, 2023, that you may enjoy . New to Corvairs? Been a while since you've been a member of the Corvair Society of America? CHECK US OUT AND JOIN Find us at corvair .org All New Events and Corvair Information • Access to monthl y Members Only virtual events • New tech publications and YouT ube videos • Expanded tech info and Corvair photos in the monthly publication: Corsa Communique Padded Dash — 2nds 2nds 2nds 60- 62 Brig ht Red (P RB) CX9349 $ 170 . 0 0 30 lbs. dimensional Carpet — 2nds 2nds 2nds Bad st itche s or poor h eel pads, w rinkl es. 65- 69 Mold ed carpe t: Color N B navy blu e. Heel pad pl acemen t is off. CX7 506 $190.0 0 62-64 Convert ible carpet: Front se ctio n only. EE Maro on/Dark Red. CX9379 $65.0 0 Ct T op Boot s — 2nds 62 Red (H RA) CX9343 $159.00 10 lbs. 1965 -69 Blac k (HB) CX6640 $159. 00 10 lbs. Summer 2024 visit from Matt & Jaymie of Matt’s Off Road Recovery SALES T AX NOTICE!! Due to recent changes in the laws, Clark's Corvair Parts is required by law to collect sales tax in the following states: CA, GA, IN, IL, KY , MA, MD, MI, MN, NC, NE, NJ, OH, PA, VA, W A, WI. Sales tax rates are determined by local and state jurisdictions and will be added to your order . Our website will show a sales tax notice but the sales tax will not be added until we process the order in-house. A few other states may be added if and when we reach their minimum threshold for paying sales tax. NOS Parts In Stock List on website j updated March 2025
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400 Mohawk Trail Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 USA All rights reserved.
Main Office Phone: 413.625.9776 Fax: 413.625.8498